BYC Café

Good evening Cafe.
There is a pot of tea brewing. Help yourselves.
A bit stressed here. Mel got attacked by a Goshawk and I've been wound cleaning and feeding etc. She going to be fine. The main problem is she's moulting so didn't have the speed to get away or the feather coverage that would have given her more protection. Of course, as many hens do, she's been off her food while moulting so she's in with me so I can make sure she eats properly.
Cillin broke off the end of one of his spurs and bled a fair bit so he needs extra of extra attention.
Hurry must have caught her leg in the panic and is limping. The limp isn't bad and nothing is broken but if the hawk is still here then a limping chicken is an easier option so I've needed to be outside with them a lot. Not a hardship I might add.
So, I've cleaned out all the coops and had a lot of converstations with chickens today.

I'm glad your crew seems like they'll recover from this attack. Mel sure looks content enough in her crate and it's a relief she's eating. Good sign.

How far away is their house?

1/4 - 1/3 mile walk.
I haven't been on that section of trail since June and hadn't been on it for many years prior to Feb/Mar. The flood of 2011 changed everything in that section. It's no hardship never going back again.
I need to watch this week's episode!
Seasons 3 and 4 are re-running on my local PBS stations every Saturdays at 4 & 6pm.
I've seen them all before but still like watching.
Have no idea what the current season is and if it's called the same thing.
Now I know.
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Seasons 3 and 4 are re-running on my local PBS stations every Saturdays at 4 & 6pm.
I've seen them all before but still like watching.
Have no idea what the current season is and if it's called the same thing.
Now I know.
I watch the british baking show on Netflix
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready!

I roasted 6 lbs of grass fed beef bones and have them simmering in a stock pot on the stove for bone broth. I've been wanting to make another batch for a while now and using the wood stove makes the cooking of the broth free at least.

The buyers of my dad's house stopped by last night to show the house to some of their friends. They about gave me a heart attack when I heard the thumping upstairs!

They've gone ahead and applied for their mortgage. My big hold up on that end was that the bank usually wants to order the appraisal right away. The wife asked if they could wait until January to get the appraisal because they agreed to buy the house before it was finished and the loan officer said that wouldn't be a problem. So I'm going to write up the final contract for attorney review and we're now on better legal footing. But both parties have been holding up their end of the agreement thus far and I see no reason for this deal not to sail through.

Here's to an uneventful day!
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