BYC Café

Sorry about the greenhouse, hope you can put it back together. Sounds like you get the sort of winds we get here, they can be destructive for sure.

Yes, they do gust up to 140mph several times over the winter (called "Les Suêtes - south-east foehn winds, which are some of the strongest regularly occurring winds in North America). Typically they are the worst in early spring, but fall can also be bad if the conditions are right. We are suspecting that a microburst - or something similar - occurred last night as things blew off that have survived much greater winds before. For example, one of the boards holding a tarp down on the back of the chicken coop broke, even though this has been through double the wind strength and showed no signs of weakness.
You'd think people would remember that snow on the road at 30F can easily lead to black ice and you need to SLOW DOWN!
On the 13 mile stretch of highway from home to work I passed 6 spots with cars plowed into the median or off the side of the road. Two of them were multi car.
You'd think people would remember that snow on the road at 30F can easily lead to black ice and you need to SLOW DOWN!
On the 13 mile stretch of highway from home to work I passed 6 spots with cars plowed into the median or off the side of the road. Two of them were multi car.
Frickin' Idiots!
You'd think people would remember that snow on the road at 30F can easily lead to black ice and you need to SLOW DOWN!
On the 13 mile stretch of highway from home to work I passed 6 spots with cars plowed into the median or off the side of the road. Two of them were multi car.

It's almost like people forget how to drive from one winter to the next. Hope no one was hurt.
Frickin' Idiots!
It's almost like people forget how to drive from one winter to the next. Hope no one was hurt.
None looked bad enough to cause serious injury. One guys truck was pretty bad. Looked to be at least $6,000 in damage. He was on his phone walking around the truck talking very animated.
I saw several vehicles sliding around the road, including a short school bus. Especially coming off a bridge. They really mean it when they post signs that read "Bridge Freezes before Road". Didn't anyone ever teach them not to accelerate off a bridge when the roads are slick?
One pair of nimrods had been hauling a car on a U-Haul car trailer using a SUV to haul it. The whole thing was jack-knifed down in the median and the woman in the passenger seat was just sitting there smoking a cigarette without a care in the world. :rolleyes:
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We're waiting for what I refer to as the "annual meeting of the summer tire club" here in Halifax, which always happens on the first day of snowy icy conditions. There are often 50 or so odd fender bender style accidents around the city that day - thankfully most are not serious. I usually avoid going anywhere on those mornings until people have readapted to icy conditions 🤣

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