BYC Café

Good morning folks. I'm ready for some coffee! My back is sore this morning. I think I've been working too hard.

Scott, cold showers are a rude awakening. Hope you get that fixed.
Good morning folks. I'm ready for some coffee! My back is sore this morning. I think I've been working too hard.

Scott, cold showers are a rude awakening. Hope you get that fixed.
A pile of cold, wet laundry in the dryer because someone forgot to turn it on isn't the nicest thing to start your day, either.

Soggy, dim morning here, courtesy of Julia. Coffee . . . . *yawn* . . . .the elixir of life.
I was worried the poor Amersucana pullets would be bullied to death and I watched as they got into an argument with each other...yeah they can defend themselves just fine. I think they just look helpless with no combs and such soft bluish colored feathers. Need them to catch on to the nipple waterer though...tired of cleaning that "baby" water dish.
The big girls are not pecking at them much so all good.
Good morning..... Hope it's a good Thursday

It looks like my day will get better, just a chilly start.

Good morning folks. I'm ready for some coffee! My back is sore this morning. I think I've been working too hard.

Scott, cold showers are a rude awakening. Hope you get that fixed.
I agree, cold showers are for summer camping trips, not 0-dark-30 getting ready for work showers.

Oh my the coffee is soooo good this morning!!! Chickens are getting so soft and fluffy...or as they put it in one of my favorite series...WINTER IS COMING.

Yes, that coffee is good after a rude start to my morning.
Quote: Or even worse, same DW and cold wet hand, and the words 'the dryer stopped working, my clothes are still wet'

Why does this stuff happen so early in the morning and on a work day ta-boot?
Anyways the coffee is working properly and I am getting things done.
Snuck in under the wire, it is still morning here! Zoomed off to DS$'s school to help with the Vision and Hearing screenings. Got some coffee there for my troubles.

Now on to the dishes or some such necessary nonsense. Have a good one!
Good Friday Morning Peoples

Margie, I hope that your 'some such necessary nonsense' didn't take to much time away from the critter stuff that always needs done too.
Have a good coffee day everybody, both pots are ready to be poured.
Morning! Thanks for the coffee. It is decidedly Fall around here. Some aspens are now losing their gold color to the wind, but some are still green and hanging on. Saw a big ole Papa Moose wooing a Mama on the drive home last evening from picking up the DS$, and a flock of statistics creeping closer for that perfect pic. LOL!

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