BYC Café

Last Wednesday I got a great update on DH from the hospice aide. He seemed comfortable, he smiled several times, laughed a little, wasn't restless and his color was good.

I got a call from the nursing home yesterday that he hadn't eaten in 2 days and wasn't doing good.

I had seen him 2 weeks ago and that day was one of the last days he walked a little. He'd lost more weight and I was shocked at his appearance.

Yesterday, I nearly fell to the floor when I saw him. He'd lost 30 pounds since being moved to the nursing home. He looked like he'd lost another 10 between yesterday and my visit 2 weeks ago. He looks like a holocaust victim. It was one of the worst things I've ever seen and I can't get it out of my head. That's not him. It's just not.

The hospice team has put him on the watch list. That means he is expected to die within a week. I don't know what to do with myself. I've cried so long and hard I had to take hydrocodone to knock the pain down enough to sleep. I went to see the widow across the street last night as she is the only one I know who really knows what this feels like.

I'm going to try to time my visit today so I can see the hospice nurse and talk to her.

DHs family is coming in and I can't stand most of them. I won't stay if they are there but none of this is about me. It's about DH. I just want to make sure someone he loves and that loves him is holding his hand when he slips away. I held his hand for 2.5 hours yesterday waiting for his daughter to show up so I could go home and feed the dogs.
Sending you big hugs.
So very, very hard. And as Sour says, likely hardest on you rather than him.
:hugs :hugs
Good morning and thanks for the hot coffee!
The winds did not happen as they said and I am fine with that "oops."
I had covered the leaf pile with heavy snow to keep them here and it will be just fine too! I am feeling cold with the moisture from this next storm so I guess the day will be spent in front of the wood stove.
I am glad that your internet is back up and running, aart! I don't miss those days of exasperation at all.
Enjoy the day, Cafe!

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