BYC members in Massachusetts?

That is the link of my back yard with all the fruit trees.
I also grow:
Kale, Callaloo, Broccoli, Spinach, Mixed greens, Brussels sprouts, tomatos, Corn and some other random greens
Onion, Garlic, Parsley, Thyme, Mint (Chocolate, lemon and pineapple), Rosemary, Stage, Oregano, Sweet pepper, habanero pepper and some other
Beans I grow: Chick, Black, Red, and also white beans
I am hoping to start my beehive as soon as i get I starter set or find a wild swarm that I can collect to use.
The Quails go into the mixture cause that is the only thing I think am missing. I soon want to move off grid and be able to live off the land.
I want to have all this plus some goat.....
ANd you are seriously, in Boston??


I would like to put up solar panels, but just don't understand it enough. Not off the grid, but to feed back into the grid with extra, and use the grid when needed.
Find out how much electric you use per month. Here in Boston Each $1 is about 3KWH. so a $60/month is 180KWH/month or 6KWH/day (180/30days).

Find out how much sunlight you get on avg per day. Here in Boston its about 4hrs/day in the winter.
So 6KWH/4Hrs = 1.5KW
So you need 1500W of solar panels installed on your roof to provide all your energy.
In reality you never get the rated wattage, plus there is losses in wires/equipment so get 25% extra so 2000W.
Each of the newer solar panel is produce 250W so you are going to need 8 of them (2000/250).
Solar panels cost about $1/W so you will need to pay $2,000 for the solar panel.

Now you are going to need a device to connect the solar panels to the grid. Not too sure how much that cost but expect at least $3000. So total of $5,000 if you did it yourself. Once you get some guys to do it, make it $50,000.

Solar Panel>Grid Connector
$2,000>$3,000 cons you cant do it yourself so you pay for labour

Solar Panel>Charge Controller>Battery>Inverter>
$2000>$1000>$2000>$2000 you have to baby the battery (monitor them, top them off, ventilate them, replace them every 10yrs)
So, looking for something a little unusual: feathers. Any good feathers, really, though wings and tails would be nice. I know the fall moult is around the corner.

I'm trying to be crafty to bring in a little extra savings so I can afford chickens and other shiny things when I move into a house next year. And I'm all set with paying out the nose for things at craft stores. Much prefer local and upcycling.

I live in milford and work in Northborough, and I'm willing to come pick them up. Even pick them out of the dirt. Also willing to pay a bit for the privelage, or trade a bit of knitting or a couple handmade clothespin dolls if you'd prefer to have some things to gift.
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Find out how much electric you use per month. Here in Boston Each $1 is about 3KWH. so a $60/month is 180KWH/month or 6KWH/day (180/30days).

Find out how much sunlight you get on avg per day. Here in Boston its about 4hrs/day in the winter.
So 6KWH/4Hrs = 1.5KW
So you need 1500W of solar panels installed on your roof to provide all your energy.
In reality you never get the rated wattage, plus there is losses in wires/equipment so get 25% extra so 2000W.
Each of the newer solar panel is produce 250W so you are going to need 8 of them (2000/250).
Solar panels cost about $1/W so you will need to pay $2,000 for the solar panel.

Now you are going to need a device to connect the solar panels to the grid. Not too sure how much that cost but expect at least $3000. So total of $5,000 if you did it yourself. Once you get some guys to do it, make it $50,000.

Solar Panel>Grid Connector
$2,000>$3,000 cons you cant do it yourself so you pay for labour

Solar Panel>Charge Controller>Battery>Inverter>
$2000>$1000>$2000>$2000 you have to baby the battery (monitor them, top them off, ventilate them, replace them every 10yrs)
So true!! THis is what has put me off!!

THe roof of house faces south and one barn faces south in the hopes of someday installing solar.

Have you installed it at your house??
Scared Stiff, I'll see what I can do. My friend has a aviary and runs full of exotics, peafowl, pheasants, turkeys and partridge as well as guineas and chickens. I will see what I can pick up over the next few weeks. My own chickens are ready to molt any time and I'll collect some of their's as well.

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hi - i'm on the south shore and I need to rehome a rooster - young brown egg production breed - hatched by my kids in school - my town can't have roosters and my neighbor is getting very anxious to have this boy rehomed - good for the ladies or the pot thanks
Dun....had a similar situation down in Bridgewater. Attempted to rehome on Craigslist and Freecycle with not luck. If all else fails...Den Beston accepted my roosters. I really tried to find the courage to address the issue myself but failed and decided the most humane thing was to involve a professional. I know this is a personal decision, no judgments. I brought mine to the farm.
Dun....had a similar situation down in Bridgewater. Attempted to rehome on Craigslist and Freecycle with not luck. If all else fails...Den Beston accepted my roosters. I really tried to find the courage to address the issue myself but failed and decided the most humane thing was to involve a professional. I know this is a personal decision, no judgments. I brought mine to the farm.
Wow, you are lucky! I wish we had a place like that around here. Nearest poultry processing places to us that I know of are in Maine.

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