**** C S R A Group ****

Sorry about your loss. However, rat snakes eat a variety of animals. Including mice and other rodents that may be invisible to your eyes. Not sure that is the case here, but some snakes are good to have around.
I spoke to the manager of Tractor Supply here in Augusta. He said we just need a date and we can set up a Swap. He has some cannopies and tables. I think Middle October to middle November would be good. Give me some good dates to choose from and we can come up with a good time.
That sounds good. I was thinking maybe October 22 because that is the last day of the Augusta Fair so that could potentially draw more people to the swap. The 15th is the opening weekend of the Fair so that may take away from the swap. The other date i had in mind was November 12 (2nd saturday) since Friday the 11th is a federal holiday and that will give me extra time to prep!

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