Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

Well, the shipping status finally updated to say it left the first port at 2AM... and the box weighs 7lbs. Is that a lot or a little? Hmm...

A day old chick can weigh from 15 grams (.52 ounces) to about 30 grams(1.05 ounces) depending on the breed.
1 ounce is 28.349 grams, and there are 16 ounces in a pound. So if the box itself let's just SAY is three pounds and we take the average between 30 and 15 which is 22.5, which is less than an ounce, you would have over 65 chicks, which may also be some turkeys and ducks and geese. That's just a guess I could be way off but that's not MUCH more than what people seem to be getting.
My barnyard combination came this morning!! All are alive! I got two geese 7 ducks and 7 turkeys,I'm so excited I might not sleep tonite :) the remaining chicks from my cackle surprise are doing great also moving them to outside brooder today!!


So I did a search through this thread and found most boxes were about 5lbs. So I'm more optimistic that I am not receiving just chickens :)
My barnyard combination came this morning!! All are alive! I got two geese 7 ducks and 7 turkeys,I'm so excited I might not sleep tonite
the remaining chicks from my cackle surprise are doing great also moving them to outside brooder today!!

WOW! Your surprise is like my dream surprise! You must be so happy.

EDIT: Woops! I thought that was your Cackle Surprise, haha, now I see it was your barnyard combo. I was wondering why you didn't mention any chickens LOL
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Man I was thinking the same thing I would love a surprise with that much extra poultry lol.... Guess I better order a backyard combo next year
Ha just went out to check everybody and found most of my cackle chicks piled around and on top of my two Nubian time I will take a pic, it was the cutest picture of about 20chicks snuggled up the goats who could just care less that their space had been invaded :)
Ha just went out to check everybody and found most of my cackle chicks piled around and on top of my two Nubian time I will take a pic, it was the cutest picture of about 20chicks snuggled up the goats who could just care less that their space had been invaded

I can't remember if I had posted it here or not, but I have a cat that will climb right in the brooder box and lay down under the heat lamp. Doesn't bother the chicks a bit. I had my cackle surprise and then 100 egg layers I got somewhere else... and he's laying in a sea of chicks, completely covered, just his head sticking out. Cutest thing.
I can't remember if I had posted it here or not, but I have a cat that will climb right in the brooder box and lay down under the heat lamp. Doesn't bother the chicks a bit. I had my cackle surprise and then 100 egg layers I got somewhere else... and he's laying in a sea of chicks, completely covered, just his head sticking out. Cutest thing.
that is so cool

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