Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

Oh ok good. I'm not a goose person.
I had one eat my Mcdonalds as a little kid. I don't like McDonalds anymore, but i don't like geese either.

Aww that is horrible Must have been horrifying for a little one.
I didn't really like geese until I bought my first pair of african goslings. Now I find myself running after wild geese yelling at them "let me pet you"!!! It's actually kind of sad...
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I got my box this morning. 2 turkeys (blue slate and black Spanish) 2 pekin ducks, 2 silly little naked neck turkens. A lot of polish and cochins and a bunch I haven't identified. I am pretty happy with this box, I just wish I had a big coop and could keep all of them. The box was definitely not 19lbs. It was a big box though, so I'm thinking they base it on size of bo rather than actual weight.
I got mine this morning! It came with 42 chicks, 2 ducks, and 2 turkeys. Any help on what breeds these are would be appreciated. Thanks!
This chicks is has feathered feet but isn't a bantam

There is a bunch of ones that look like this some are light or darker. Some of them are smaller or bigger.

This one has a super fluffy head and 5 toes but no feathered feet

Feathered feet non bantam would likely be a giant white cochin! SWEET!

Your Houdan is beyond FLUFFY OMG!!!!!!!!!!! So adorable!!!!!!!!!!

Could the second pic be a Mottled Java??? Not sure they even carry those.... Cute either way.

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