california - CENTRAL COAST

I'm in Salinas too!! I'm in the city. I have three chickens and hopefully will add 3 more to my microflock this week!
I'm in Salinas too!!  I'm in the city.  I have three chickens and hopefully will add 3 more to my microflock this week!

Welcome! :D
It's great to see a fellow Salinian on here! Where do you get your chickens from? I purchased my first ones from Collier's. They're great, however, the "Ameraucanas" he sells are really EE's. (Just like with any feed store.) Good luck on your flock expansion, chickens can be very addictive! Hahaha
The three I added today I got at Collier's and I had gotten one from them previously. My other two are from Hacienda Hay and Feed. I got an easter egger (maybe two, no one there was really sure what it was) and a black sex link. He orders from Belt (just about everyone around here does) They call them ameraucanas.
Wow, Collier's Feed is still around!! I bought ducklings there in 1971! (Boy, was that a millennia ago..) I know it has moved, I saw that some years ago when I still lived in Castroville.

Now I just lurk on this Central Coast thread for nostalgia's sake. :D
Wow, Collier's Feed is still around!! I bought ducklings there in 1971! (Boy, was that a millennia ago..) I know it has moved, I saw that some years ago when I still lived in Castroville.

Now I just lurk on this Central Coast thread for nostalgia's sake.

Yup, still around and family owned.
The original Mr. Collier is no longer living, however his son has taken over and given the place a nice fresh look. I try to support local businesses as much as I can.
Sam Martin, Here right next to the Garlic capitol!! Got 5 Rhode Islands, 3 Buff Orps, 3 Black Sumatra, 3 Wyndotte, 2 Barred Rock and a rascal Barred Rock Roo!

Just a hop, skip and jump away! What kind of Wyandottes do you have? I have Blue Laced Reds, gorgeous birds!
The three I added today I got at Collier's and I had gotten one from them previously. My other two are from Hacienda Hay and Feed. I got an easter egger (maybe two, no one there was really sure what it was) and a black sex link. He orders from Belt (just about everyone around here does) They call them ameraucanas.

I purchased 5 more EE's there last weekend. Cute as a button they are!
You got lucky with the black sex links. He doesn't usually carry them, they came as a replacement for some others that the hatchery couldn't provide. If you post a picture of your chick in question I could take a guess. I've bought EE's of all different colors from there.
The consensus in the which breed is this forum is that she is an ee. And I did totally luck out with my black sex link!! In fact, i picked her solely on the basis of not being able to pick one if I chose to add to my flock later. (Though I think we're pretty maxed out at 6) Here's the link to my earlier posting just in case you want to ohh and ahh how cute my new girls are. The light one is Sunny Side and the darker is Quiche.

Hi Sam! I grew up with RIRs. My cuddliest lady (and so far best layer) is one.
Hi Central Coasters,

Anyone raising quail? I would love to take a look at your operation. I am in the Santa Cruz mountains so anywhere north of Soledad I can make on a weekend. Seriously interested in quail but I'd like to see how someone else does it before I jump in and make all the mistakes.


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