california - CENTRAL COAST

Hi there. I don't have any information on it but I do have Larry's phone number. He knows everything about every thing that's
anything poultry !!! If you'd like to have it, PM me.'s in that first closed building as you come off of hwy 46 (near the livestock barns). Last year there was something else over in the main gate and I got caught in that-nobody knew what I was talking about when I asked for the poultry show.
That entire building is just filled with little cages in rows. The chickens are grouped by size, if I remember the bantams were on the left and giants on the right and everything in between. They had ducks/geese/turkey's/etc along the back wall...there was even a guy selling rabbits.
I THINK everything was for sale...not quite sure how that worked, but there were judges walking around (looking at -judging-the animals) and FFA kids everywhere.
I was there trying to rehome my birds (thankfully everything worked out and I was able to keep them) but there really wasn't anyone to talk to. So if you wanted to purchase a bird-I have no idea how you would go about that.
Basically, it's just a huge show building with rows and rows and rows of birds...mostly typical breeds, a few unusual breeds. But it was fun to look around.
I haven't been before, but it sounds like fun. Maybe I'll go and just look around. As for the comment about Facebook...DRAMA...don't you know it !!!...that's why I stay away from that !!!
Great. Im really gonna work on hubby now. I love seeing all the birds lol.

Oh btw new member here :) i live about 35 miles east of Paso on the 41. Pretty awesome seeing all the chicken peoples around me now.

We have Austalorps and Orpingtons and a few EEs :) and one bantam cochin. Oh and cant forget the guineas :p
I'm so happy to finally see some of my fellow Central Coast peeps posting here. I knew you were out there 'cuz I see you at the feed !!! Anyway, I live in Atascadero and have silkie chickens, one EE, Old German Owl pigeons and American Buff geese. Throw in the standard issue two dogs, three cats, one snake and, at last count, 7 rabbits, and you'll have exactly what I have...complete chaos and an extremely high therapy !!! I love them all to pieces but sometimes they just drive me nuts! Let's keep the 'Central Coast conversation and chicken club' going people!
Sooo, anyone else decided to go to Paso this weekend to see all the birds? I know I'll be there for sure. Not quite certain which day I'll go, but I'm definitely going! By the way, does anyone out there raise serama chickens? I'm very interested in acquiring a couple of these little guys but can't seem to locate a local source for them and they're just so darn cute I know I can't be the only one around the Central Coast that's interested in them! The lady I did find is in Orange County and seems reputable, but I'm not sure I want to spend $50 - $150 dollars a piece on them.
Not yet !!! Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
They will definitely have them at the show-tons of them!! Keep an eye on animal control website (both SLO & SM) they get a lot of poultry.

I'm not sure if I'm going- it's going to be a crazy week/weekend. If i do go it will have to be Sunday, as I'm working all day Saturday ....and then my daughter is dancing at the harbor fest, forgot about that one....oooo I'd say it's unlikely we will make it this year.

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