california - CENTRAL COAST

Just got in my car at the show and while it was fun and the chickens were beautiful, I don't think I'd drive an hour to see them. The weather has alot of them in molt so some didn't even come. I'll post more later after I get home.
Orcutt (Santa Maria) California!
I know I am a little late, but I thought I'd join this thread too. I always say Central Coast when people ask where in California I live. We are so spoiled and so are our chickens! It reminds me of those California cheese ads, happy cows make good cheese... well happy chickens make good eggs/ pets/ etc
Hi there Eggtooth...and Welcome !!!

I'm up here in A-Town. As you have probably already figured out, this thread doesn't seem to generate a lot of posts, which is unfortunate because I believe that we have much to offer people in the form of chicken information as well as knowledge about the agriculture industry in general.

Where did you get your silkies i'm up in Paso and raise them. I saw the paint silkie in your pic it looks like one of mine! I still have the paint but mainly sticking with porcelain colored. Yeah im surprised this thread isn't more active there's so many ag/chicken people in SLO county

Hi there Eggtooth...and Welcome !!!

I'm up here in A-Town. As you have probably already figured out, this thread doesn't seem to generate a lot of posts, which is unfortunate because I believe that we have much to offer people in the form of chicken information as well as knowledge about the agriculture industry in general.


Thank you for the welcome! =) Three years ago when I decided I was going to have backyard chickens I didn't realize how many suburban homes have them! I found this website extremely helpful!
@gcorso33 ...
...I got my paint silkie hen as a 3 day old chick along with two 4 month old roosters from a lady down in A.G.
Well actually it was about as far east as you can go and still be considered in A.G.. I'm sure you've heard of it before...the Huasna Community.
This was about a year and a half ago and I was just starting to build up my small flock of silkies when I noticed this lady's ad on CL. She
advertised that she had some 'paint', 'splash' and 'party' colored silkies that were various mixtures of black and white. Since I didn't have any with
that blend of colors, I was intrigued. I called her to set up a time to meet with her later that same day, so she gave me her address. Towards the
end of our conversation she said "Ok then, why don't you just go ahead and come on over". I said ok,that sounds great and that I'd see her in a few...(thinking 'few' meant minutes). Then for some unknown (at the time) reason, she chuckled and replied, "Alrighty then, I'll see you in a 'few'", and
then she let out a laugh that I swear shook the shutters on my house, and hung up. I thought to myself, how odd, and started to have visions of her as the notorious 'crazy chicken lady', scratching and pecking about the garden with her flock of specially colored Dalmatian chickens. I went out to her
place anyway, not realizing exactly where Huasna was located (about as close to the Arizona border as one can get without actually being in
Arizona), I took off for the hills...
And when I finally got back to my house with my three new charges, we were all tired, dehydrated and a little jet-lagged, I'd have to say. That's when
it dawned on me that I had just bought myself 3 chickens to the tune of $85.00 !!! By the time I added in the cost of gas, sodas, my time and, of
course, the chickens, that's the amount I had come up with...(so who's the crazy chicken lady now, !!!). So the point of mentioning all
this is because if the people who make up the BYC Central Coast's chapter ever really post on this website, I would have gotten my silkies
from you instead of driving to Timbuktu. Oh well...
So unless you got yours from her or she got hers from you, the chances of our birds being related is realatively small. But now that I know
you just a 'few' minutes away...I might have to start thinking about some porcelain colored silkies because yours are absolutely gorgeous !!!
How many chickens total do you have and how many silkies? I'm incubating some serama eggs under one of my silkie broodies as I write this.
They are due to hatch any day now...I'm so excited! They're going to be my 'house chickens' !!! I can't wait !!! Hopefully this will get the ball rolling
and others from around here will start to post their stories and sagas!
Until Then,
Great to see some activity on this thread! Im not really on the coast :( but i do frequent paso. Couple time a month at least :) anyways. Im working on my Orpingtons. Currently i have some jubilees, lavenders, whites and im picking up chocolate eggs this week!!! :D hopefully this thread will perk up some.
Hi there. I'm in Arroyo Grande and excited to see this thread.. Not quite so cal or nor cal! I haven't read all the thread yet but saw at least one other in ag as well :)

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