
Phage has been doing it for a couple of years now I believe...


Yes Deb, It has been going on a LONG while! I need to get it completed!!

I have hatched out several, and the doubles do require help: - When there are 2 chicks they are unable to get into the correct position to unzip.
Hi Phage, I'm interested in your project but don't have any double yolkers at this time. I have some pullets that are close to POL which is when I usually see double yolkers…
Did you see the BYC thread for double yolkers? After much anticipation there was a successful hatch...

That is GREAT!

Yes there have been some successful hatches.
Double Yolker Mystery Project

I have been working on a double yolker project for some time but really need a few more eggs to get the scientific paper finished.

These double yolker eggs rarely hatch unless a single chick hatches, which is part of my theory. Once I have enough eggs make it to day 20, I will publish the results and acknowledge in print all who have contributed to the "chicken science".

So here is the incentive to help (and be famous).

I have cream legbars, including pure Jill Rees legbars that are about 21 weeks old (not quite laying yet but cockerel is already a daddy). These are the show winning legbars that GFF have just imported from the UK.

For each double yolker you provide you could be either paid $ for each egg, or exchanged it for a cream legbar egg.

If 2 embryos start to develop you will get either 4 more regular cream legbar eggs or 2 Jill Rees legbar eggs.

If your babies are actually featured in the paper (as an MRI image) you get an additional bonus 6 eggs.

For 2 embryos to develop the eggs need to get into the incubator VERY fresh (and be fertile!)

Offer of eggs assumes the raccoons keep away and no major disaster occurs.

Please let me know if you could help and want be part of solving a chicken science mystery​
I am glad you are going public. its an awesome project. I would love to be an "et al" on your research

MRI is such amazing technology
[COLOR=0000FF]Double Yolker Mystery Project[/COLOR]​

I have been working on a double yolker project for some time but really need a few more eggs to get the scientific paper finished.

These double yolker eggs rarely hatch unless a single chick hatches, which is part of my theory. Once I have enough eggs make it to day 20, I will publish the results and acknowledge in print all who have contributed to the "chicken science".

[COLOR=FF0000]So here is the incentive to help (and be famous).[/COLOR]

I have cream legbars, including pure Jill Rees legbars that are about 21 weeks old (not quite laying yet but cockerel is already a daddy). These are the show winning legbars that GFF have just imported from the UK.

For each double yolker you provide you could be either paid $ for each egg, or exchanged it for a cream legbar egg.

If 2 embryos start to develop you will get either 4 more regular cream legbar eggs or 2 Jill Rees legbar eggs.

If your babies are actually featured in the paper (as an MRI image) you get an additional bonus 6 eggs.

For 2 embryos to develop the eggs need to get into the incubator VERY fresh (and be fertile!)

Offer of eggs assumes the raccoons keep away and no major disaster occurs.

Please let me know if you could help and want be part of solving a chicken science mystery​
Good luck to you on your project.
I'm looking for an older pullets, preferably 4-8 months old. Not too fussy about breed, I just need to increase by backyard flock by a youngster, since a few of the old girls have passed on. I an in Acton, and relatively close would be nice :)
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Yesterday a pullet started laying. Possibly the ugliest egg ever but it is my very own Double Yolker!!!!!!!
It actually looks like 2 eggs smushed together with a seam between them!


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