
Quote: Originally Posted by ozexpat

Happy Chinese New Year. Our little emporer is in gold

Happy New Year! LOVE the costumes - kids make anything cute!!!
i was born in Berdoo... lived in Colton till I started Kindygarden...
We have a friend whose Dad had to deliver him on the side of the freeway in the city of Colton because they couldn't make the hospital. His name? Why, "Colton" of course!
Quote: Originally Posted by ozexpat

Happy Chinese New Year. Our little emporer is in gold

Happy New Year! LOVE the costumes - kids make anything cute!!!
i was born in Berdoo... lived in Colton till I started Kindygarden...
We have a friend whose Dad had to deliver him on the side of the freeway in the city of Colton because they couldn't make the hospital. His name? Why, "Colton" of course!

LOL.... Back in 55 Colton was still rural.... last time I went back I was riding shot gun on the back of a motorcycle... I was into country and western music at the time and my Dance Partner rode a Gold Wing. He had heard about a club in Colton called the MULE LIP saloon. So we rode up ... Back then they were trying to be competition for Gillys. What a hoot. It was an old Safeway store.... Two bandstands and two or three bars and two dance floors. Oh and the ever present bucking bull somewhere in the corner.

For what its worth it was around the time of the Urban Cowboy and Every one wanted to dress the part.

For a bit of Trivia look up Colton and the family Wyatt Erp... My dad is buried in the same cemetery that one of the Erp brothers is buried.

LOL.... Back in 55 Colton was still rural.... last time I went back I was riding shot gun on the back of a motorcycle... I was into country and western music at the time and my Dance Partner rode a Gold Wing. He had heard about a club in Colton called the MULE LIP saloon. So we rode up ... Back then they were trying to be competition for Gillys. What a hoot. It was an old Safeway store.... Two bandstands and two or three bars and two dance floors. Oh and the ever present bucking bull somewhere in the corner.

For what its worth it was around the time of the Urban Cowboy and Every one wanted to dress the part.

For a bit of Trivia look up Colton and the family Wyatt Erp... My dad is buried in the same cemetery that one of the Erp brothers is buried.


Trivia is always fun. My folks' farm was an old stagecoach stop and we always wondered if anyone famous rode through as passengers in the old stagecoach housed in the 6-stall barn which also had tools & tack, a buckboard, horse plow, an old steamer trunk with a 3-D handheld photo viewer with interchangeable 3-D photographs, an entire set of McFadden's Medical Encyclopedias from 1912, and stacks of novels, books, and letters written by people long dead before my folks moved there in 1944. My folks must've got some money for the antiques because by the time I moved away in 1960 none of the stuff was there anymore. That farm was where I got my love for livestock and why I have 3 little chickens in my backyard now!
If the place is still in your family. Most people in those days buried their garbage.... Not talking the kind of stuff we have now but old pill or medicine bottles broken china some of those garbage pits are a wealth in discards. be worth it to do a metal detector sleuthing.


Who knows what could be in that old soil? Mom planted about 50 fruit trees around the acreage so if there was anything special or unusual she would've come across it

After renting the old farmhouse for a few years she finally sold it off around 1970 and then built her little one-bedroom retirement home and banked the rest of the money. Good thing she did because the interest off of it for 20 years paid for her old-age medical housing. We should all be so frugal as that!
Double Yolker Mystery Project

I have been working on a double yolker project for some time but really need a few more eggs to get the scientific paper finished.

These double yolker eggs rarely hatch unless a single chick hatches, which is part of my theory. Once I have enough eggs make it to day 20, I will publish the results and acknowledge in print all who have contributed to the "chicken science".

So here is the incentive to help (and be famous).

I have cream legbars, including pure Jill Rees legbars that are about 21 weeks old (not quite laying yet but cockerel is already a daddy). These are the show winning legbars that GFF have just imported from the UK.

For each double yolker you provide you could be either paid $ for each egg, or exchanged it for a cream legbar egg.

If 2 embryos start to develop you will get either 4 more regular cream legbar eggs or 2 Jill Rees legbar eggs.

If your babies are actually featured in the paper (as an MRI image) you get an additional bonus 6 eggs.

For 2 embryos to develop the eggs need to get into the incubator VERY fresh (and be fertile!)

Offer of eggs assumes the raccoons keep away and no major disaster occurs.

Please let me know if you could help and want be part of solving a chicken science mystery​
Double Yolker Mystery Project

I have been working on a double yolker project for some time but really need a few more eggs to get the scientific paper finished.

These double yolker eggs rarely hatch unless a single chick hatches, which is part of my theory. Once I have enough eggs make it to day 20, I will publish the results and acknowledge in print all who have contributed to the "chicken science".

So here is the incentive to help (and be famous).

I have cream legbars, including pure Jill Rees legbars that are about 21 weeks old (not quite laying yet but cockerel is already a daddy). These are the show winning legbars that GFF have just imported from the UK.

For each double yolker you provide you could be either paid $ for each egg, or exchanged it for a cream legbar egg.

If 2 embryos start to develop you will get either 4 more regular cream legbar eggs or 2 Jill Rees legbar eggs.

If your babies are actually featured in the paper (as an MRI image) you get an additional bonus 6 eggs.

For 2 embryos to develop the eggs need to get into the incubator VERY fresh (and be fertile!)

Offer of eggs assumes the raccoons keep away and no major disaster occurs.

Please let me know if you could help and want be part of solving a chicken science mystery​

Hi Phage, I'm interested in your project but don't have any double yolkers at this time. I have some pullets that are close to POL which is when I usually see double yolkers…
Did you see the BYC thread for double yolkers? After much anticipation there was a successful hatch...
Double Yolker Mystery Project

I have been working on a double yolker project for some time but really need a few more eggs to get the scientific paper finished.

These double yolker eggs rarely hatch unless a single chick hatches, which is part of my theory. Once I have enough eggs make it to day 20, I will publish the results and acknowledge in print all who have contributed to the "chicken science".

So here is the incentive to help (and be famous).

I have cream legbars, including pure Jill Rees legbars that are about 21 weeks old (not quite laying yet but cockerel is already a daddy). These are the show winning legbars that GFF have just imported from the UK.

For each double yolker you provide you could be either paid $ for each egg, or exchanged it for a cream legbar egg.

If 2 embryos start to develop you will get either 4 more regular cream legbar eggs or 2 Jill Rees legbar eggs.

If your babies are actually featured in the paper (as an MRI image) you get an additional bonus 6 eggs.

For 2 embryos to develop the eggs need to get into the incubator VERY fresh (and be fertile!)

Offer of eggs assumes the raccoons keep away and no major disaster occurs.

Please let me know if you could help and want be part of solving a chicken science mystery​

There was a youtube video of twin chicks hatching -- they needed assistance to get hatched but both survived the hatch. Very interesting.

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