
East San Gabriel Valley here -- far from all you guys! It's hit-or-miss here -- some cities allow hens only and some allow hens AND roos, and some cities have an ordnance against any livestock or poultry. Yet they allow up to 4 dogs and barking all night!! At least my sweet girls don't do midnight egg songs to disturb sleeping neighbors LOL!
I'm in Southern California- Norco, which is on the Riverside/Orange County border.
Hello - I am in San Dimas. Are you guys still having problems with Newcastles?
Not a good time for swapping birds due to Newcastles, but when things settle you may have some luck if you supply details about your birds (age, show or production quality, vaccinated or not, etc) and be more specific about what you are looking for :) .
Hello! Do you know if the Newcastles outbreak is slowing down at all? I have some beautiful Phoenix Chickens that I want to list for sale but I am afraid to do so now.
Hello! Do you know if the Newcastles outbreak is slowing down at all? I have some beautiful Phoenix Chickens that I want to list for sale but I am afraid to do so now.

I'll call my vet when his office opens and ask him what he's heard -- my vet warned me not to bring any new birds onto the property last July so I need to follow up with him and see what the most recent news is. Give me a couple days to make contact with him as he is a very busy man.

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