
Temperature question: when is it time to put cooling measures out? Today was kinda warm but tolerable. I plan on putting a thermometer, I can monitor from my phone, in the coop. When is a starting warm temperature to put ice cubes in and a little pool to cool the girls feet?
Any southern california peeps here with a math problem that is clucking? I'm looking to get my two 3yo chickens some pets. Maybe 3 laying hens with colorful eggs please? thanks for ideas and tips!
Hi So Cal. So I was thinking of trying Mile Four 18% Grower Feed. It is OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive, like a complete joke, but is a whole grain, fresh feed made with nutribalancer along the lines of Scratch and Peck. AND HERE'S THE CATCH: if you buy 460lb at a time it is 75% off and costs $0.90/lb., which is cheaper than I can get Scratch and Peck thru Azure Standard.

I am seeing if my chickens like it enough for me to switch off my $0.72/lb. Kalmbach Flock Maker.

I only need180lb per month max. Anyone interested in splitting a 460lb. order? I'm in LA. I'm checking now if they deliver it in 50lb bags.
Have you looked into the shipping costs? I have a feeling it won't be that cheap once shipping gets calculated into that.
Hi SoCal Peeps - a friend forwarded to me a post in a neighborhood FB group in LA about a rooster in imminent threat of ... what's the polite word - culling? euthanasia?

Anyone interested in the rescue? (I cannot; not legal inside City limits) Please contact me asap if so.... tyvm!
I just found what looks to be a round worm in one of my lady's feces. I would love to treat her and my other girls but I can't seem to find a way to get deworming medication without taking her in for a $200 vet check up. Has anyone been able to obtain deworming medication for chickens in Los Angeles without the without vet visit?
I just found what looks to be a round worm in one of my lady's feces. I would love to treat her and my other girls but I can't seem to find a way to get deworming medication without taking her in for a $200 vet check up. Has anyone been able to obtain deworming medication for chickens in Los Angeles without the without vet visit?
They have stuff you can buy under $20 or use apple cider vinegar in there water.

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