Call Duck Drake Flew Away??

No sign of him
Do you have a body of water close? you might check there. I hope you find him..
He's no where to be found
If he is new to your homestead he may not have been able to find his way back. He may have saw a pond or stream some miles away especially if he saw other ducks, wouldn't hurt to expand your search and if you spot him take his girls in a crate to where he is they would be able to bring him around [they stay in the crate though] Or a predator got him. I sure hope it isn't the latter.
If he is new to your homestead he may not have been able to find his way back.  He may have saw a pond or stream some miles away especially if he saw other ducks, wouldn't hurt to expand your search and if you spot him take his girls in a crate to where he is they would be able to bring him around [they stay in the crate though] Or a predator got him. I sure hope it isn't the latter.

I'm contemplating about making flyers to put out to the neighbours. As there is some private ponds that he may have gone to way out there. They are the newest additions to our flock. I hope he hears them calling and makes his way back, I'm trying to stay hopeful.
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I would keep looking around at the lakes and ponds and streams as other have said there is a good chance that if he flew off he landed at one of them
You will be surprised at how long they can be gone and still return unscathed. I actually just had a Cockerel return the day before yesterday that had been missing for 4 days. I had been looking non-stop for him as he was free-ranging so I figured he had decided to sleep in the bushes instead of the Pen but never found him. Since he was all white with black spots I figured he had been eaten because he was a easily seen Target. The day before yesterday he suddenly appeared right before dark out of the woods and into the pen on his own. I don't know where he was but he came back clean and uninjured. The only thing I could see was he was dehydrated
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Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst... a couple months ago I would have sworn any Call that went out of our yard and didn't return within 5 mins was a write off... Dex proved me wrong for sure... and we know he was grabbed by a predator, luckily his injuries were superficial...

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