Call duck thread! For posting pics and discussing!

What is everyones favorite call color??? Mine is butterscotch but all i have are greys
Hard to say. I think I like the grays best but there's several other colors that I like nearly as well.

White is my favorite color (Not at ALL biased, hehe!) but I'm also very partial to snowy calls. The females are just so pretty with all their speckles. <3

Magpie/ancona patterns are my favorites in calls :)

I currently have breeder ducks in the following:
6 whites (to help better my body types and bill sizes)
4 blue pieds
4 blue fawn pieds
6 black magpie/ancona
4 silkies (snowy and blue fawn colored)
2 chocolate pied (still in brooder)
1 silver (I think, still in brooder)
1 black bibbed (still in brooder)

I have a snowy colored, a blue fawn, a blue splash pied, 3 black and white magpie/ancona, a blue bibbed, and several whites for sale and can ship if anyone is looking for some. NPIP flocks all tested clean :)

Anyone else have magpies?
Can anyone tell me what colour my calls are? Sorry their bad photos, they don't like keeping still

The second one i am leaning towards blue fawn.. is there a bluish tinge the feathers along it's back?

Second bird starting at the front is my blue fawn(well one of them, i own 2 more now lol..) the second one not sure.. almost wonder if it'll be one like the second last duck i have.. she looks like a mini appleyard.
Hi I'm looking for a breed of duck that will fit into our farm. Do calls have to be caged?

They don't but due to their smaller stature are most definitely more prone to predators and are both sexes are very, very good flyers. I keep mine penned but on the ground, so they get all the fun but less danger. I do free range ducks here but they are mainly heavyweight breeds(Muscovy & Pekin, two medium breeds Buffs)

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