can americaunas or aruacaunas lay brown eggs?


9 Years
Jan 9, 2011
We don't know what breed this chicken is, but she does have a muff and beard. Our chickens started laying in late 2009 but we've never had a blue/green egg. Is is possible this chicken lays brown?

As a new member the site would not allow me to post a photo. The chicken is buff (orange like our Buff Orpingtons) mixed with gray with a black head and black muff and beard.
you have a EE and yes they can lay brown eggs
ee means a mixed Ameracauna. (Easter Egger) . Some will lay pinkish brown, some green and some bluish.
does it have a straight comb or pea comb? Welcome to ByC. Gloria Jean
Easter Egger does not mean a mixed Ameraucana. Most EE's out there are actually, if at all related, they are related to the Ameraucana some 50+ years ago.

But, yes, Easter Eggers on occasion will lay brown eggs. Otherwise, true Araucanas should ONLY lay blue eggs, and true Ameraucanas should also ONLY lay blue eggs, though a slight green tint is permitted in some colors like Buff, because they're still a work in progress.
thank you for your replies and I apologize for the misspellings (how embarrassing but thank you for not pointing them out)!

She has a pea comb - I'm hoping the photos will load this time, I think she's really beautiful. Darn! I have to limit the images to 0.

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