can i have a vote

I'm an omnivore--just like a chicken. However, I only buy meat from farmers that do NOT use feedlot confinement. The chickens and pigs were raised on pasture, and the cows are grass-fed and not finished on grains. This meat has a higher omega-3 profile than what you find in the grocery.
I found my meat sources through

My chickens are layers and pets. They pay their rent with eggs! I've been lucky to have roosters that are nice, know the rest.

I'm love my meat...of all kinds. But I won't eat my chickens. They are pets. I do get all my meats veggies and fruit from the local farmers around my area. No need to buy eggs anymore.
I don't get much of anything from the food store except rice, cereal, pasta, some snacks that are not good for you
. But I love to cook and will make my own breads and noodles sometimes, along with a list of other stuff to long to mention. I don't think I could ever be a Veg/Vegan. But I have alot of friends who are.
Sorry vegitarians i am a meat eater but i do not eat my pets so if i even met the animal even if it was not mying i cannot eat it.
i now what you mean mj, for some people it is REALLY hard to become a veg, but for some reason it came naturaly to me even when i was only 2, my parents said every time they would give me chicken of beef i would spit it out and say "why do you keep feeding me this stuff that tastes like dirt?", i am glad however that most of you seem to be unable to eat your own babies
not vegetarian or vegan...yet. although after my Billy (rooster/baby) was killed, and i carried his mutilated body in my arms for an hour, i have not been able to eat any more chicken. i tried to once, right after he was killed, and all i could see was my Billy's body every time i tried to put that chicken leg in my mouth. everyone says i'm being stupid, but i can't eat the species that my best buddy was.

for now, a nice rare steak on the grill is good. i just can't ever have pet cows!!!!
i "officaly"turned into one when i was four, i didn't like it when i was two, but people kept shoving it in my mouth, the did'nt understand 'till i was four and could explain to them i did'nt want it!
I'm a vegetarian. My two oldest kids are as well. Thr three of us were vegan for about 3 years, but we ended that when I got pregnant again and CRAVED dairy so insanely bad. LOL. Now I buy all organic, grass-fed, free range stuff.

HOWEVER, my two youngest (2 & 5) are not vegetarian, as I prefer the kids to make their own choice as they grow to understand AND my husband is an avid meat eater.

This obviously has brought up some questions we have not yet answered, but I think the general consensus is, as of now, we only have 15 birds and we will use them for egg purposes only.
If we move to the country as planned and we aquire more, this fact may change along with the number of birds. (but I have a feeling this issue will die down some as he gets attached too)

But no matter what my chickens will ALWAYS live healthy, happy lives under my care.
i greatly admire you moongoddess for allowing your children to make their own dessision, my parents allowed me to choose what i ate, and my reigion, they did't confine me and i think that it is great thet your not confining your children

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