Can I keep chickens in city limits of Greenville, SC?

I know the date on this thread is old, but I was really glad to see the posts and wanted to respond, too. We are in the process of moving to Greenville this June and believe it or not-chicken ordinances is one of our deciding factors! I'm relieved to see they are allowed! Any thoughts about particular neighborhoods? Do you think HOAs override this and deny chickens? This would certainly deter us from those areas. Thanks!
There are no restrictions in the unincorporated part of Greenville County, SC. The city has restrictions based primarily around any nuisance. The proposed county ordinance was abandoned. The comment was that there were not enough problems with chickens to make it worthwhile to have an ordinance and its attendant management.

HOA (Homeowners' Associations) may have a say in what you do. Read the fine print and carefully if you decide to look at any subdivision. Always ask about HOA and CCR (covenants and restrictions). These things are quite difficult to change. There are many places to live in the County where there are no such restrictions and controls.

We're thinking about moving to Piedmont. Found some land there to build a house there. People across from us has lots of lands with fence around it. Think they had cattle in it once (cattle not there no longer). We will be living down the road from a subdivision. From my understand from what I've read on this thread, I should be able to keep chickens. Right?

Trying to do some research on it. Any help is appreciated!

Hello, found this forum after finding out that Greenville County DOES NOT allow chickens. It is very frustrating to find this out last weekend after we just purchased some. I figured that since the city of Greenville allows them that obviously it is allowed in the County. Not so. However last year a citizen brought it up and they seem interested in changing the ordinance. I just called the county clerk to find out someone brought it up again last Tuesday at the meeting and the county attorney is looking into when it can be changed. If you are interested in this subject, call the county clerk as well ( (864) 467-7115). Thx.
The proposed ordinance was abandoned. One councilman's closing comment was that they don't have enough problems with chickens to incur the expense of another ordinance.

When I look through the county's ordinances, I can find nothing that prohibits keeping chickens in the unincorporated part of the county.

As with many things, county ordinances are in a state of flux.

I live in the north main area of Greenville & have a rhodebar & some silkies. Neighbors behind me have about a dozen chickens. Most people are really interested in your chickens & express an interest in raising chickens as well
An update to this discussion. It is not a matter of unincorporated areas. It is a matter of zoning. Currently chickens are not allowed in any areas zoned residential. Actually no animals classified as farm animals are allowed in these areas. (incorporated areas i.e. city limits may allow them as they have their own ordinances i.e. Greenville city limits.)

Last Tuesday this ordinance change came up for a public hearing with the county council. The ordinance change basically takes chickens out of the farm animal class and treats them as other pets. The change makes it clear that the selling of the chickens or eggs are not allowed. It is only for personal use. The proposed change is not my preference but it is in the right direction. I along with 4 or 5 other people spoke in favor of the change and no one spoke against it. It will still be a while before we know if it passes.

The county for the most part turns a blind eye to the chickens unless a neighbor or someone reports them. We had 60 such instances last year. Typically the way it happens is a neighbor has an unrelated grievance with his neighbor and decides to turn them in as a way of "getting back" at them. Responsible chicken/pet owners shouldn't have to worry about being "turned in".

Chad Manaton
Suburban ShareCrop/Brushy Creek Farm
An update for those may do a search on this topic. My understanding is a few months ago county council has approved chickens in residential areas. There is a limit of 8, no rooster, and the coop needs to be permitted as an accessory structure. I believe this is the final wording that was approved (but couldn't find the signed/dated document to confirm). CZ-2013-37 ord.pdf

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