Can I keep chickens in city limits of Greenville, SC?

Wow-that's great! Has there been much publicity about the change? We did end up in the City of Greenville off Augusta and our three hens are doing great. Now if I could just find a store close to us that sells feed and supplies!
Thanks for the update!
I can verify that we are now allowed to keep chickens in Greenville County. The previous ordinance was shot down around Oct. of 2012 due to the many restrictions it contained. Stuff like you had to pay and have your coop inspected prior to purchasing birds and then have it inspected again every year after that.

I've had my hens since Feb. 2013 and found out right afterward that I was an outlaw. I immediately started calling Willis Meadows, my councilman, and by August 2013 he helped introduce a less restrictive ordinance.

January 21st was the final reading and it passed. You can have up to 8 hens and no roosters. Chicken coop and pen must be sanitary so the smell doesn't bother the neighbors.

It's not all I hoped for but it is without a doubt a step in the right direction. I'm gonna let it chill for a year before I get on them again. I have 15 hens, so only half of them are legal. It would also be nice to have one rooster.

Regardless, i'm happy we made a little progress in gaining back some of our liberty here in Greenville County.
Yes this is great news! I would love to have a rooster in my flock as well. So hope to see more positive change in the future!!
We have 4 Buff Orpington's (near Cleveland Park and Washington Ave.) and we use Tractor Supply on Wade Hampton Blvd in Greer or on Laurens Rd in Mauldin. Both are approximately the same distance away.
I found the Tractor Supply in Mauldin and use it pretty often for supplies. Thanks!

I read back through the older posts and was surprised how many people live near me with chickens. (Augusta Road area). Any suggestions for chicken sitters?
We live off of Arden St. in Nicholtown, an area with homes that are rapidly being rehabilitated. While I was lucky to have a co-worker caretake our menagerie of cats, dog and chickens (4 Buff Orpingtons) while we escaped to St Augustine, FL for a week, I am sorry to say I do not know of any other services for chicken-watchers. I can however recommend a terrific vet who has offered to take our cats and dog home while we vacation(!). Vets often are plugged into a network of animal-sitters who would leap at the chance to chick-sit. My vet is Dr. Kim Sanders at S. Pleasantburg Vet Clinic on S.Pleasantburg Rd., not far from the intersection of Faris and S. Pleasantburg. Highly recommend this really really terrific vet. Or contact your own vet to see if they can help you!
That's where we take our dogs, too! They are great! I will ask them if they know of someone nearby who would be interested.
Thrilled to see other Greenvillians enjoying their chickens.....I have Silver Laced Wyandottes - 4 roos and 4 hens....taking 3 roos to Tooter Town Auction too many! The 4 girls are about 21 weeks old and I hope to see some eggs soon! I can tell the hormones are flying!

What is Tooter Town?? Only been here a year and haven't heard of that :)
New chicks coming in a week or so for us...can't wait!
Tooter Town is an OLD auction barn that I haven't been to in 35 is on Hwy 14 North of Greer (across from a Dollar General) is still an experience and unfortunately they won't let you take pictures inside....which would have been nice. They have small animals on Thur. at 4:30 pm for taking in the animals and auction starts at 7 pm. There is very little time to really see the animals if you are truly interested in buying something....therefore, I will not be buying ANY. The majority of the mindset of the old timers was a little frustrating. I spoke to one man who had been going for years....I expressed my concern about looking at the animals to check their vents for prolapse and mite infestation....He didn't respond to the vent comment (probably didn't know what I was talking about or else felt uncomfortable talking to a woman about it) but said chickens ALL have mites and lice just like a dog has fleas. (which made me think about my neighbor's two dogs that regularly visit and that DON'T have fleas because they take good care of them!) He said you can always spray 'em. My sustainable farming friend and I laughed....we knew there were lots of old timers in the crowd and that they'd never get it.
I did sell my three boys.....the buyers got a deal with my 18 weeks they were big and healthy - free of any pests (at least before we got THERE) and they were ready to finish or take to some hens. The buyers got about 10 seconds to view each as they were quickly lifted and tossed back into the box (you need a disposable box which they sell for $1) and there is a yardage fee of $ a 20% commission.....after all was said and done I netted $17.20. My chickens were the third highest chickens sold that evening out of about 200 boxes. One game rooster sold for $35 which I think went to be fought....just guessing....another big full grown roo sold for $15 and then one of mine was $10. Some boxes contained multiple animals - you'd assume they'd be all alike in age and sex - but you don't know and they don't say. They do not tell breed, sex, age - NOTHING - simply hold one up and you bid.

I was told by someone there that there is another auction house in Central that takes more time to show the animals. Since I'm not buying, don't know when I'll visit another, if ever. It was an experience.

I don't know where the Three Amigos went, but old timer thought they were too pretty to be eaten and not the breed to fight...he said they went to be bred. Hope he was right that time!

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