Uhhh...excuse me, Im the PULLET...rememeber!?!??!? And yes, I came home with a van full...LITERALLY!!!! Can't wait for the next one

Had a GREAT time today! This was my first Chicken Stock and I can't wait till the next one! I got my first Sebostopol gosling today, 2 ducks and 6 guineas! Everyone is settled in and the gosling and ducklings enjoyed a nice swim in the tub!! There were so many beautiful birds there today. I think One of the hens I was with bought half of everything there!
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I told myself “NO” everytime I walked by that man, I don't have room or time, but as we were leaving, he was loading up a group of red hens and shook the cage, I went over and asked to buy two, the cage was so slam packed we couldn't get one out. So I walked away with cage full of what I later found out was 6 red hens for only 8$! We had to cut the cage apart to get them out. They are all in a quarintine pen on the other side of my property, they are drinking oxine water, been sprayed and dusted, started dewormer and gave nutridrench! They are very baffled by the green grass in their run
. My friend bought a cage slam packed with 5 pekin ducks. They act as if they have never been In water!

More than likely they never had been.
hooray for you for buying some or should i say rescuing them..
Yeah, I've been kicking myself for not rescuing a few of his animals, but I just don't have the room to quarantine and I would hate to bring anything back to my bird family.
Yeah, I've been kicking myself for not rescuing a few of his animals, but I just don't have the room to quarantine and I would hate to bring anything back to my bird family.

Thats the only thing that held me back from buying alot of those cages slammed packed! It made me sick!
Hey!! My Moms in the 7th picture walking towards the camera with the bag!
I showed her and she said "I look terrible!! "

And thats me and my sister walking in the background....

My family is in the first picture. DH has on the dark green t-shirt, I'm beside him in the gray.
When you take pictures without warning folks you get some odd expressions from time to time. I did see a couple people take off out of shots when I pointed the camera.


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