Cat with upper respiratory infection - Bird Biotic?


9 Years
May 24, 2010
Ohio - Chickens 3yrs
? about Bird Biotic. It contains Doxycycline Hyclate 100mg. I was looking at this link: it said "Broad-spectrum antibiotics to protect against secondary bacterial infections. Tetracycline or doxycycline are the drugs of choice to use against bordetella and chlamydia and may also be used in the case of the viral infections." So I was wondering if I could give the Bird Biotic to my cat, and if so how much would I give? They are in pill form and it says to open them up and put in 8oz. of water for birds. Any help would be most appreciated! :)
It can be used off label for small animals like dogs and cats, but I think you should check with the cat's vet first. Cats are very sensitive to some meds and it might not be the best choice.

Imp- Good luck with your cat.
Cats can be so sensitive to a lot of things - I certainly wouldn't risk it. Will your vet prescribe something without seeing the cat?

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