cayuga duck thread


We are getting 3 Cayuga ducklings in less than two weeks!!!! This is our first time ever raising ducks! We live in the city so unfortunately we can only have 3 w/o a permit..

We are getting one male and two females... Planning to raise them as pets with our dog and two cats... Wanting to get eggs from them... Any tips you all can give would be amazing!

My dogs are great with my ducks. My cat is afraid of ducks but is bad with chicks. It takes a lot of work. All my ducks are happy just having some kiddy pools to play in.
Our ducks will be outdoors once they are adults.... When they are ducklings they will be inside with us! I'm hoping they imprint a little.
Ours are outside as adults. The four dogs run out and play while they free range and do great with them. We start socializing when the ducklings are a day old. covered up in our hands so the dogs can smell but not touch. When they are locked up our one dog breaks into the coop and lets them all out because she wants to eat the scraps we give them! lol

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