Celebrating my chickens first birthday with cupcakes!!!


Feb 21, 2023
Hi!!!!! My chickens turned 1 yesterday well four of my girls the other two will have theirs in a few days and my chicks will have theirs next year I made heathy cupcakes to celebrate!!! They have oatmeal, water, peanut butter, strawberries, apples, raisins, banana frosting lol and cucumbers for sprinkles this is a rare treat so they really enjoyed them! How do you celebrate your chickens b-day?
Oh how fun! I love celebrating my birds, dogs, other pets B-Days! I realize they don't know what day it is, but it's just fun for me.
I love that cake!!!! So cute send me the recipe please!!
I made it my self. There are no measurement. In a medium sized bowl I put dried cranberries, cut up strawberries, cut up grapes, scratch feed, and I added a little flour so it would “set”. Mix ingredients together.
In another medium sized bowl line it with wax paper and put the “cake” in the bowl make sure to squish it in so it will make a mold of the bowl. Then I put it in the fridge for a day.
After cake has set in fridge tip the cake upside down on a plate. Once your cake is out of the bowl it’s time for the icing!
I used strawberry yogurt as my icing. Then around the bottom I made a circle of dried cranberries around the cake and topped it off with some dandelions I found in the yard.

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