Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

Ladycat, how goes your search for Lavender Marans, I haven't asked you since I made waves on the Marans thread by typing Maran. Lol

Still looking.

Lol. Some of the hardcore breeders are hardcore.
I posted pics of our very first chicks (junk quality brahmas).
People on the breeder thread suggested I cull myself for feeding them

The last 4-5 or 6 auctions were killing me. But there's that saying 'don't fill your bator space before you build it' or something like that. So many cool breeds and projects!!!

That is the sound of TJ killing me.

Too many gorgeous eggs!!!

I wanted clousert's and emvickrey's but cannot do it right now... argggg!!

The last 4-5 or 6 auctions were killing me. But there's that saying 'don't fill your bator space before you build it' or something like that. So many cool breeds and projects!!!

I'm seeing so many eggs I want to bid on! ARGHHHHHHHHHHH

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