Chattanooga, TN (surrounding areas) CHICKEN LOVERS

Well, my day has arrived and I am bringing home 4 ladies this afternoon. My question is this, how long should I keep them locked in the coop before letting them into their run area? Also I am using wood shavings for inside the coop and egg boxes and a mixture of compost (with worms) and mulch in the run area, do you think this will ok?
Well, my day has arrived and I am bringing home 4 ladies this afternoon. My question is this, how long should I keep them locked in the coop before letting them into their run area? Also I am using wood shavings for inside the coop and egg boxes and a mixture of compost (with worms) and mulch in the run area, do you think this will ok?

How are are they?
Assuming older being you said "ladies" sounds like they are good to go in coop & run, assuming all in enclosed together & assuming no more chickens, so no quaratine needed.
If free ranging at all, I usually keep them in their enclosed area for at least several days before letting them out. Really not sure if this is necessary but I figure if I leave them in for several days then they get acclimated to their coop/run and know where to go back to after free ranging.
As for rhe wood shavings, sounds good> Just make sure no cedar. We also throw hay/straw in big chunks, they love to scratch and will spread it on their own. Through time you'll figure out what bedding etc works for you.
Keep is posted & post some pics, would love to see the "LADIES"
Hi Y'all, I'm looking for a few old timey Dominique pullets and a young rooster.
Thanks for any help in advance.
Very cool. I've always thought it crazy that CHATTANOOGA, TN city limits has a no chicken law. I mean seriously, it's Chattanooga, way better bigger cities allow at least hens or limits. I too am not affected being in the county but I know MANY that would love to have the right to raise a few peeps in their backyard.
Where can people get more info. to help support?
chicken legal has a facebook page.
Hello :)
I live only 5 min away from Harrison Bay :D

I lost yesterday 9 chickens at the daylight! i found only a feet and a few feathers nothing more. All silkies gone, the "normal" laying hens still there.
do you know which animal could have done this??

Sorry guys my english is not so good :( I'm moved from germany.
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