That's a good point and none of them were doing that so I guess they're okay. And oh wow, he seems really sweet. :) with mine though it's less handling, more just chasing them around and snagging them haha I gotta handle them more gentle about it

Chicks feed off each other's fear. Try taking a couple off by themselves for a short while as you handle them; when done put them back with the others and the take a couple different ones. By doing this you may find them less skittish. Hopefully they will become a less scared of you. I have four Japanese bantam chicks I am doing this with. Once in my hands they calm right down.
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Heard a lot.of noise, didn't come up right away cause i was gonna make the frame but decided i better check. is.missing. trying to remain calm, change as fast as possible and.go find her. Quickly tipped up MHP and didn't see her so I'm worried

The sick one btw
I moved MHP and I found her.... Thought she was dead but noticed her breathing.


Did she pass away? If she has pasty butt, give her some molasses to help her pass the poop, then give her tetracycline. Good luck.

She's still fighting, poor little thing. I rinsed her bum and tried with q tip now picking with those shish q bob things (no toothpicks but works the same) and i know it has to hurt but she's quiet. May have just caused tiny bleeding though so i may stop but i had to cause there is sooooo much poo in there. Still a lot. Poor baby. Not sure what to do now. Don't have those antibiotics but may buy some or try something else. Not sure we have molasses but could try to find some. We have ACV too.
I'd be careful with anything sharp inside your chick. She could gain internal damage from any misplaced pokes. A q-tip is safer, but you can also use your finger if you don't have any, using a glove of course.

Unfortunately she ended up dying, I hope not because of me. :/ i didn't go far in, just right on the outside. I did try the Q Tip but it didn't reach way in and neither would my finger

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