Ya I don't have the patience for something like that but I can check the discard junk pile for any ply wood or something but if they have any 2x2s for the wall framing then I will maybe look at those but I will have to see the next time we go down town which will probably be here this weekend

I tried to sit on my fingers but they slipped.

Breeding chickens is nothing if not an exercise in patience and indeed, endurance.

Well ya I can handle it if it's something I like doing and it involves chickens so I think I am good but fishing is not my thing or cutting boards that takes an hour to finish cutting them all
Well ya I can handle it if it's something I like doing and it involves chickens so I think I am good but fishing is not my thing or cutting boards that takes an hour to finish cutting them all

You are very young and time is on your side. With most folks, they gain patience with age and I doubt you will be any difference.

I would give all my earthly possessions if I could be 15 again, knowing what I know now and be back in the era of my youth.

Well ya I can handle it if it's something I like doing and it involves chickens so I think I am good but fishing is not my thing or cutting boards that takes an hour to finish cutting them all

I sure wish we lived closer to each other. I'd introduce you to the wonderful world of power tools.
I'm actually not a very patient person by nature either, and well past the age of 15. I took up cooking, woodworking and poultry keeping to force myself to be more patient. It's helped some, but I certainly empathize with the frustration of simply wanting something to be done already. All I can say is it is well worth forcing yourself to slow down and do it right, because if you don't you'll just have to re-do your work later, and THAT really sucks!

You are very young and time is on your side. With most folks, they gain patience with age and I doubt you will be any difference.

I would give all my earthly possessions if I could be 15 again, knowing what I know now and be back in the era of my youth.


You couldn't pay me enough to go back to being 15, LOL! I'd be thrilled to be 19 again, but 15? And have to go back to high school? Not a chance! I loved college, but could never adapt to that cliquey high school environment. Waaaayyy too much drama. Even now, listening to my 16 year old son I often cringe over high school life. *shudder*
I sure wish we lived closer to each other. I'd introduce you to the wonderful world of power tools.
I'm actually not a very patient person by nature either, and well past the age of 15. I took up cooking, woodworking and poultry keeping to force myself to be more patient. It's helped some, but I certainly empathize with the frustration of simply wanting something to be done already. All I can say is it is well worth forcing yourself to slow down and do it right, because if you don't you'll just have to re-do your work later, and THAT really sucks!

You couldn't pay me enough to go back to being 15, LOL! I'd be thrilled to be 19 again, but 15? And have to go back to high school? Not a chance! I loved college, but could never adapt to that cliquey high school environment. Waaaayyy too much drama. Even now, listening to my 16 year old son I often cringe over high school life. *shudder*

Some of the most devastating mistakes of my life were made between the ages of 15 years and about 23 or 25.

Edit: Ah, but you would know what to expect and be able to handle things..."knowing what I know now".
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You are very young and time is on your side.  With most folks, they gain patience with age and I doubt you will be any difference.

I would give all my earthly possessions if I could be 15 again, knowing what I know now and be back in the era of my youth.  


Yes but if u were 15 again u would have to be back in school and that isn't the best thing especially for me because I suck at math I hate history math is my worst subject espesially since I tryed this online school so next year I am going back to public school
Yes that's what I was thinking but everyone else was telling me is a sweet grass turkey my family was telling me that

Nope. Its definetly a Narragansett. Sweetgrass are about the opposite of that. This is a Fall fire which is identical to a Sweetgrass.


You are very young and time is on your side.  With most folks, they gain patience with age and I doubt you will be any difference.

I would give all my earthly possessions if I could be 15 again, knowing what I know now and be back in the era of my youth.  


Believe me u dont want to be 15. I am having a heck of a time in school. I think u should go to 19 like Desertchic!

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