Believe me u dont want to be 15. I am having a heck of a time in school. I think u should go to 19 like Desertchic!

Everyone's youthful experiences are different. Between ages 15 and 23 were my very best and very worst. High School was the least of my problems ...I actually enjoyed it.
Ya me to having a heck of a time well I don't usually get grades like that I think it's this home schooling thing I usually get A B

Math is one of those tricky subjects that is best taught by someone who fully appreciates the subject. Unfortunately, even most teachers who teach math are intimidated by it and they manage to convey that trepidation to their students. If you're being home schooled in math, and I'm saying this as a mother who home schooled my son for a few years, then having solid instruction in the subject is even more important. Too few comprehend the beauty of math. It's one of the few subjects you will even encountered that is filled with absolutes. Personally, I always found comfort in that. 1+1 always equaled 2, whereas the 'softer' subjects are flexible and subject to interpretation. You can write an outstanding paper on a topic you're passionate about, but if the teacher reviewing that paper doesn't agree with your position, doesn't like the topic, or is in a bad mood, you can receive a lesser grade than you deserve....but 1+1 still equals 2.

All that said...I am no fan of calculus. I tolerated it since math was one of my minors in college, but I never cared for it and was perfectly happy to pass the responsibility of teaching the subject off to more expert instructors at my son's former school. But algebra is invaluable. I still use it every day. Don't feel too bad about being challenged by any school subject, and especially math. Sometimes all you need is a different approach for everything to fall into place.
I really sucked at math, did great in everything else though. I think the biggest reason I'd like to be young again,.. we can't, Lol!
Takes forever to turn 16, even longer to 18, feels like many forever yrs to 21, then you blink and your 40...!

1+1 might not equal 2 anymore, well maybe that still does but have you seen examples of common core math? Crazy! I can no longer help our kids with school work anymore, they are way ahead of where we were at their ages, reading in kindergarten!, 5th grader asked for help on math homework, umm, WOW! I didn't learn that until high school, been awhile, I've forgot all that stuff, I only remember math with numbers in it. She thought I was joking, ha ha it's not hard, well then do it yourself smarty pants, you don't need my help then. I'm glad we have super smart kids, not sure how it happened, but we're lucky. Out of five looks like we only have one that's going to be difficult, older two have been on high honor roll every year, her younger sister in kindergarten started reading and writing at three. Mom has talked about home schooling a few times because of some stuff going on in schools, uhhm NO, they'll be fine, get real, we wouldn't be able to handle it, probably strangle them.
Ya there has been some stuff going on at our school district about a mon or two ago one of my moms mom brothers sons had brought a bomb to school someone guy that showed up at the lewistown high school and had the school in lockdown
Math is one of those tricky subjects that is best taught by someone who fully appreciates the subject. Unfortunately, even most teachers who teach math are intimidated by it and they manage to convey that trepidation to their students. If you're being home schooled in math, and I'm saying this as a mother who home schooled my son for a few years, then having solid instruction in the subject is even more important. Too few comprehend the beauty of math. It's one of the few subjects you will even encountered that is filled with absolutes. Personally, I always found comfort in that. 1+1 always equaled 2, whereas the 'softer' subjects are flexible and subject to interpretation. You can write an outstanding paper on a topic you're passionate about, but if the teacher reviewing that paper doesn't agree with your position, doesn't like the topic, or is in a bad mood, you can receive a lesser grade than you deserve....but 1+1 still equals 2. 

All that said...I am no fan of calculus. I tolerated it since math was one of my minors in college, but I never cared for it and was perfectly happy to pass the responsibility of teaching the subject off to more expert instructors at my son's former school. But algebra is invaluable. I still use it every day. Don't feel too bad about being challenged by any school subject, and especially math. Sometimes all you need is a different approach for everything to fall into place.

Ya I didn't mind it to much but I don't talk to teachers unless I am called on but my math teacher had sticks and if she picked ur name u would answer it and if u didn't know it then she would help u with it and I don't like being in front of people do not the best thing and she talked so darn fast like she thinks the pssa test are the smenconcret day of school trying to get us ready and as long as I pass I don't really care what my grade is but when I am in school the test were really hard and i didn't understand it and I was inbarrest to even say anything to the teacher so I didn't and I got mostly a D but I had to bring it up by extra credit so I managed to get it up and then by the. Next test it went back down so I hated math it's the only class I am not to good in and my reading teacher used to smoke and drink so she sounds like she smoked for fifty years and she drunk monster energy drinks through out the day but then she is complaining she is fat and trying to loose wieght I hated that teacher she was mean I think my worst teacher was my kindergarten teacher she always had us doing these stupid projects and if u didn't do it right she would rip it out of ur hand and do it her self she forced us to eat stuff we had to try green eggs and ham we had to try some of the fruits and stuff bats ate and their was another teacher that when my sister was at that school she said there was a teacher that went and put kids in a dog cage for dispel the my dad said if he went there and found his kid in a f dog crate he said he would have flipped
Everyone's youthful experiences are different.  Between ages 15 and 23 were my very best and very worst.  High School was the least of my problems ...I actually enjoyed it.

Since they conjoyned there school districts they had to build a huge highschool and heck is need a map just to get to my classes and there was over 900 kids in the middle school they had to use trailers for class rooms and had to even add more rooms to the place but I like that school and that school is only for 6-7 grades with 900 kids
I really sucked at math, did great in everything else though. I think the biggest reason I'd like to be young again,.. we can't, Lol!
Takes forever to turn 16, even longer to 18, feels like many forever yrs to 21, then you blink and your 40...!

1+1 might not equal 2 anymore, well maybe that still does but have you seen examples of common core math? Crazy! I can no longer help our kids with school work anymore, they are way ahead of where we were at their ages, reading in kindergarten!, 5th grader asked for help on math homework, umm, WOW! I didn't learn that until high school, been awhile, I've forgot all that stuff, I only remember math with numbers in it. She thought I was joking, ha ha it's not hard, well then do it yourself smarty pants, you don't need my help then. I'm glad we have super smart kids, not sure how it happened, but we're lucky. Out of five looks like we only have one that's going to be difficult, older two have been on high honor roll every year, her younger sister in kindergarten started reading and writing at three. Mom has talked about home schooling a few times because of some stuff going on in schools, uhhm NO, they'll be fine, get real, we wouldn't be able to handle it, probably strangle them.

Oh...don't get me started on Common Core. I can't maintain a civil tongue.
Well my turkey penny ran away this morning she was in and out of her nesting box like she had to lay another egg again like she does any other day and I let her out no matter she lays an egg or not and for some reason she was acting like a complete different turkey she would not let u near her she would not let u infront of her to chase her back down through the woods and she took off over to my neighbors at the horse stables so I am going over there tomarrow and see if she is there but then she will be staying in the pen it's such a shame if someone happens to her considering she is so calm but there was just some wild turkeys going up through our yard lately watching her and they were at our house today so maybe she joined them and went but I don't think she would honestly considering that she had been someone's pet not a wild roaming turkey

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