Chicken Breed Focus - Orpington

i got 1 buff chick. i love her because when ever i reach my hand near her and the other chicks they all try to get away, while she walks right up to me and inspects my hand doing what ever she can do, hopping on it, going under it, and pecking it. i just can't help but say AAAWWW!!!!
Let me just say that I really, really like the Orpington breed!!!!
I enjoy seeing all of your pictures and reading your stories about them.
My favorite chicken EVER is a Buff Orpington! Always sweet- mine always liked to be picked up and carried around. My rooster was a little shy when he was learning to crow; he practiced until he was good at it (at first he sounded terrible
) Once he got the hang of it, he was really proud of his newly found ability! He really didn't crow much, but I thought it was nice. I got him at a 4H show. From the moment I saw him, we were best friends. My dogs never really messed with him; however, he did end up getting dog stampeded and died. He was a fabulous pet, who was a friend to all my other pets including, 4 dogs and multiple rabbits.
Beautiful chickens. Thank you all not only for sharing your babies, but also the information. I'm planning on getting 4 Orpingtons and I'm trying to learn all about them.
Need some EXPERT ADVICE....
I have 4 Buffs that will be about 22wks Monday/Sept 4. Hubby & I were curious as to how much they weighed, guessing 5# but now concerned cause I weighed them (2#, 3#, 3.5#, 3.75#) couple days ago. I feed them fermented Flock Raiser as much as they'll eat, est 1 - 1.5cups of dry feed a day. They get Romaine lettuce, Spinach, Papaya, Oatmeal, BOSS, Freeze Dried MW, tomato, bananas, raisins, other good stuff for treats, not all at once but a cup or two. ACV in their water which get changed daily. They are confined to their enclosure (8x12x7) hard clay ground with good layer of shavings. I scoop the poop from the poop board daily & pick up whatever I see in the shavings.

Someone told me they're underweight & should be wormed. I was wondering but I also don't believe in treatment unless needed but do believe in prevention. They are hatchery stock that I got from CL when they were 8wks old.

What do you all think, they're not "quality" stock but their health matters to me. What should they weigh at 22wks? Worm even if no health issues & none found?


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I love Orpington's,
I am hoping to get a pair or trio of,
Large fowl black/buff Orpington's.
Here in Ireland we use the British poultry standards.
The Orpington's over here are different to in America.

Here's some pictures of Orpington's over here.
*they are not my bird show, but I know some of the people who own them*

Yes they do look beautiful.
I did ask one of the breeders that owns some of the birds in the pictures about purchasing a trio but he had none left.

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