Chicken Breed Focus Rhode Island Red

We had decided to get this breed they are great egg layers and are pretty. Pros: Sweet, pretty, docile Cons: One of mine Cocoa is in the top order of the pecking list so she does take must the food and is pretty fat, another one of mine August is broody and lays on eggs a lot.



Overall a great, popular breed. If you are looking for any, some are alavlible on MPC (My pet chicken). :D
I am looking for 4 RIR where can I get them

Pretty much anywhere haha

RIR are a very popular breed so most all the hatcheries have them. Although, if you notice above, the hatchery ones are I think, from what I've learned, usually always Production strain. That's not necessarily bad, just depends what you want. For the real dark ones or what some say are "true" RIRs, the Heritage ones, you do in fact have to go to a breeder. It's probably more expensive too but some say they're nicer. Any bird can be nice or mean though. All depends what you want, apparently.

But yeah, basically anywhere lol

And if you want to use a breeder you can either find one locally or tons of people here sell eggs and sometimes chicks. I may order hatching eggs next year of different breeds
Most of the hatchery production birds lay well for their first couple of years then slow down but my pure heritage birds seem to lay longer. I think maybe the hatchery birds are bred for more for production and not longevity. I'm sure there are exceptions.
Most of the hatchery production birds lay well for their first couple of years then slow down but my pure heritage birds seem to lay longer. I think maybe the hatchery birds are bred for more for production and not longevity.  I'm sure there are exceptions.

Really? Wow that's interesting!

I think I actually might have heard it about some other birds and I think you're right. And actually, I think with the Stars, because of being hybrids and production or whatever, I've heard the same about them

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