Chicken Breed Focus - Showgirl

show girls look weird but the weirder it is the more cool looking they be both of the breed make exelent mothers so this breed is very good at broody I would like to cross a silkie with a naked neck and get showgirls
You could indeed cross a Transylvanian Naked Neck with a silkie and keep crossing back to silkies and several people have done this. But it will take several generations to get the real showgirl look. The naked neck is dominant or partly dominant and you get that first generation but you often lose the black silkie skin for the first few generations and it takes at least two generations to get the silkie fluff back. Many of the show quality showgirls are at least 12-15 generations of work in progress. I wasn't patient enough for that so I ordered some showgirl eggs. A showgirl can be crossed with a regular silkie and you will get a percentage of showgirls. My Imogene is nakeder than some some she will be bred back to a full fluffy silkie.

I love showgirls, they are just really funky looking.

I keep them for fun and smiles.

They can see a lot better than my silkies so they always get the most of the treats I give them

I also gave them a baby garter snake I found, one of my blues sucked it down like it was a piece of spaghetti
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My showgirl, Fancy. I was so excited when I found out that a local hatcher was going to start selling showgirls.

I really want to get my hands on a white showgirl, but beggars can't be choosers. ;)

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