Love my hobby. One of my pullets started to lay eggs yesterday....MY FIRST EGG!!! Hope all the other start soon too. And talking about chicken Math....have 5 more chickens and 3 turkeys. Well....when I got rid of 11 roosters I have space for more hens....but still need a new coop because I want my copper marans and my EE apart for breeding. My new chickens are white leghorns.
I am a social worker/bereavement counselor for a hospice. We see the phrase "failure to thrive" as a diagnosis for some of our clients. Are you in the health field since you used that phrase?
I started out with 2-6 month old chickens, Red the Rooster (RIR) and Goldie (Brown Leghorn). Bought 15 from a hatchery (kept 6 and gave away the rest). Then 16 the next year and put them in a different area/yard. Now have another batch of 22 4-week old chicks. Plus, I decided to let my buff go broody and Wed. she hatched out 2 (out of 6 eggs). First time letting a hen hatch eggs. Needless to say, they are precious! Watching them interact with mama is priceless! Now a friend has week old Easter Eggers she is going to give me. So I hope THAT's IT for a while!
I think that makes 46.
Funny you should ask, I have a MSW and used to work in home health. Update to my chicken math, a 6 foot chicken snake got one of my Houdans, so we are down to 29, but added 7 quail who will be released soon.,
Ohh my God. I'm waiting for 42+ hatching eggs to arrive in the post office. This time I over did it. My bator only has space for 18 tops. I'll have to make a bigger one tomorrow. In my coop I don';t have space for half of those...o well. I'll make one bigger. Now the problem is how to tell my dad I am hatching more. He will tell my I have a problem and maybe he is right. I just want a good breeding stock. This will be the last. (hope so). I don't know if I should be happy or
Ohh my God. I'm waiting for 42+ hatching eggs to arrive in the post office. This time I over did it. My bator only has space for 18 tops. I'll have to make a bigger one tomorrow. In my coop I don';t have space for half of those...o well. I'll make one bigger. Now the problem is how to tell my dad I am hatching more. He will tell my I have a problem and maybe he is right. I just want a good breeding stock. This will be the last. (hope so). I don't know if I should be happy or

I didn't know my boyfriend had a twin ...
Love my hobby. One of my pullets started to lay eggs yesterday....MY FIRST EGG!!! Hope all the other start soon too. And talking about chicken Math....have 5 more chickens and 3 turkeys. Well....when I got rid of 11 roosters I have space for more hens....but still need a new coop because I want my copper marans and my EE apart for breeding. My new chickens are white leghorns.
hola hola nunca pense que hiba a encontrar alguien de Mi bella isla aqui yo soy de ponce y tengo muchas gallinas tambien que chevere poder encontrar un puertoro aqui espero hablar contigo pronto
hola hola nunca pense que hiba a encontrar alguien de Mi bella isla aqui yo soy de ponce y tengo muchas gallinas tambien que chevere poder encontrar un puertoro aqui espero hablar contigo pronto

Hola, hay par de personas de Puerto Rico. No muchas pero las hay. Esto es un vicio y la realidad es que aqui en Puerto Rico no hay variedad asi que aqui estoy aprendiendo y tratando de adquirir buen pie de cria para traer algunas razas a Puerto Rico. No tengo muchas por que despues el mucho trabajo le resta diversion asi que supongo que mi tope seran 30. Ahora mismo tengo 14. Por ahora solo me enfoco en black copper marans y ameraucanas (tengo huevos en incubadora pero aun no tengo pollos) y en EE's. Me estan tentando los silkies...pero no se. Gusto hablar contigo y seguir comunicandonos.
Hola, hay par de personas de Puerto Rico. No muchas pero las hay. Esto es un vicio y la realidad es que aqui en Puerto Rico no hay variedad asi que aqui estoy aprendiendo y tratando de adquirir buen pie de cria para traer algunas razas a Puerto Rico. No tengo muchas por que despues el mucho trabajo le resta diversion asi que supongo que mi tope seran 30. Ahora mismo tengo 14. Por ahora solo me enfoco en black copper marans y ameraucanas (tengo huevos en incubadora pero aun no tengo pollos) y en EE's. Me estan tentando los silkies...pero no se. Gusto hablar contigo y seguir comunicandonos.
cool hay que hacer un thread de Puerto riqueños yo tengo 72 pollos se me murio uno hace dos dias una black australorp, yo tengo barred rock, black australorp,EE,brown leghorn,buff orpingtong,
golden sex link, Rhode island red,sliver laced wyandottes tengo muchas es un buen hobby a mi me encanta esto
I have a good chicken math "problem" happening in a few weeks :)

I need 6 pullets, as do two of my friends (they would be happy with 4 though each). So in the hopes of getting 14-18 hens we were going to order 24 chicks. But there were 5 breeds between the 3 of us that we liked (Americauna the main one, then 4 others), so in order to try increase our odds of pullets we ordered one more of each of the other 4 breeds.

So in 6 weeks time, I'm going to be raising 28 chicks. I'm a little nervous once they hit the month mark and will be looking for guidance on guessing sexes as soon as possible! :)

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