I have a good chicken math "problem" happening in a few weeks :)

I need 6 pullets, as do two of my friends (they would be happy with 4 though each). So in the hopes of getting 14-18 hens we were going to order 24 chicks. But there were 5 breeds between the 3 of us that we liked (Americauna the main one, then 4 others), so in order to try increase our odds of pullets we ordered one more of each of the other 4 breeds.

So in 6 weeks time, I'm going to be raising 28 chicks. I'm a little nervous once they hit the month mark and will be looking for guidance on guessing sexes as soon as possible! :)

Some breeds are easier to sex ...some are easier in the first week, some you have to raise them a few months. But I dont have much experience. All the breeds I have I have to wait for 2 months or so...
Maybe you should share the expenses of raising those chicks.
the problem is not the math its us that just want to get more and more chickens

There are so much variety!!!!
We're splitting the cost for sure :) As we can start to tell what's what, I'll start sending them off to their new homes. I think I have a good plan in place now!
Well, it got me again,lol. We got down to 27 during the fall months, now we have 12 about 8 weeks old, plus 17 3 weeks old, and 10 more on the way for march the 7th. We also have 30 eggs in the incubator, we are chicken crazy. We want them all,lol.
Not only does my husband think I am crazy...I think he is right. So...we ordered 8 pullets last year. One died the first night and my favorite Delaware girl free ranged herself over the fence and was killed by the neighbor's dog :( Along the way we picked up a rooster, Ray

So 7 in a coop/run that can house 10. Naturally I think we should get that number up to 9 by adding two more, we do require a constant supply of eggs and we need new layers to fill in for the hens we currently have when they moult so I make a bid to my H to add 8-10 additional girls. When he says yes, I place an order and am content for a time but then I get an idea. Ray is so beautiful and he is so good to our girls but he is over 10 years old so I say to my husband..."What would you think if I tried to hatch out some of Ray's chicks in an incubator." He was all for it. I was thinking that we would just keep a couple of pullets but then our son, 17, says that we can keep a cockerel and give him a couple of the non-related girls from the order...Do you know that my husband was all for that too? Then...about a week later we both realized that we were NOT on the same page. He thought we were just adding one flock of 5 , I was talking about adding two about 15 birds with Ray's boy and one of other pullets from the order. Fortunately he saw my reasoning.

I am setting 16 eggs the first week in April they should hatch about the same time that my shipment arrives. I split the order with family and colleagues but on the 26th of April I will bringing home:
5 Partridge Rocks
5 California Greys
5 EE
5 Speckled Suss
5 Delawares
5 Black Stars

Even if only half hatch I will end up with 38 chicks being brooded upstairs in my daughter's room...they are off at college. It is possible that I am in over my head but I am not admitting it yet.

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