Hubby just said i should charge for admission into my zoo. Three dogs, eight cats, one horse, and soon to be 32 chickens. I dont turn anyone away, and am known to "adopt" any lving thing that comes into my yard.
OH my, this appears to be the support group I've been looking for!
Current count:
3 horses
2 goats
4.5 cats (don't ask)
4 Husky dogs
1 parrot
... and yes, 63 chickens!

Last year at the fair I got 4... then I started looking at other breeds I wanted... now I am a free-range egg business. Yes, they all have names (although some of them have the same name)

Fortunately, we have lots of space - I've even gone as far as to change a 12 x 12 horse stall to a chicken area, in addition to the coop.

Anyone know of medication to cure this addiction??
I started with two EEs,4 red stars, and three black stars. Then DH bought me some RIR,7 of them. Then we added four silkies. And then two BR. And a bantam game roo. And another roo escaped from a neighbor,and took up residence with my girls. Then three of the silkies vanished, but the one left hatched out two more. And have ten eggs in the bator now. Of course, during chick days at TSC, I'll be getting more! Yeah, total addiction going on!
OH my, this appears to be the support group I've been looking for! 
Current count:
3 horses
2 goats
4.5 cats (don't ask)
4 Husky dogs
1 parrot
... and yes, 63 chickens!

Last year at the fair I got 4... then I started looking at other breeds I wanted... now I am a free-range egg business. Yes, they all have names (although some of them have the same name)

Fortunately, we have lots of space - I've even gone as far as to change a 12 x 12 horse stall to a  chicken area, in addition to the coop. 

Anyone know of medication to cure this addiction??

There is no cure! You're doomed for life! At least you're not alone. There are many of us out there.
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Since I posted in july I am now up to 33!
It is now a year since I got my first 3.... and now I am looking to buy the piece of land that borders our garden in order to create breeding pens - just an excuse to have more!
I am in the uk and here you have to register with the government department if you have 50 or more so I'm planning to stick under that for now......
Oh why must chicken math be sooooo addicting? When I was younger, my mom got some RIR chicks to lay eggs. After seeing just how cute and fluffy and entertaining they could be, even as chicks, I begged her for more. So she ordered a variety of chicks from Murray McMurray. After waiting a few weeks, she picked me up from school early one day with a surprise in the back seat. Yup, all 15 arrived safe and sound!! Everyday after school I would run up the drive to go and play with the little ones in a small water trough we used as a brooder. Years later, I still have chicken math going on haha But it's worse now that I'm older because I've learned of how many different breeds there are and, of course, you gotta have them all at least once!!!! ...right? Soooo after moving to a new house with 40 or so, with a promise to my mother that I wouldn't buy ANY MORE chicks or chickens...I ordered 15 more from Murray McMurray. She was not thrilled with me for a while lol. But in this random mix of chicks was a Silkie. And we fell in love. Even my mother, who was SOOO against me buying any more, was excited about the new little addition. Unfortunately, we had a few hawks decide to move in and I lost a lot of my flock, including the little splash Silkie we loved. So, after "taking care" of the hawks, (I plead the 5th here) I ordered 15 more chicks, but this time it was a random mix of Silkie chicks. Sadly, it was at the end of the year and the hatchery only had a few of each ones. They didn't tell me this however, so I got a big surprise when I opened up the box. I ended up with two Buff Brahma bantams, a Mille Fleur, and two Mottled Cochins. I was very lucky here because not only did the two Brahmas I got turn out to be a male and a female, so did the Cochins! The Fleur turned out to be one of the best little roo I have ever had. Almost a year went by with me collecting more and more Silkies. Then one day I came home from work and went to let them out for their morning routine (I work nights) of running around and begging for treats, when I heard these horrible wheezing noises coming from my coop. When I looked inside, I found my Fleur and one of my Old English Game bantams huddled in a corner gasping for their lives. Turns out, my flock was infected with Coyoza. I pulled everyone through and didn't lose a one! I count myself lucky there since the vet told me I would probably lose a lot of them. A few weeks after that, in November, two stray dogs made their way into my pen and killed most of my flock.... I now have 15 chickens left, and lost 28. I was devastated and still am. So as an early X-mas present, my boyfriend buys me an incubator to try and make me feel better. It worked! And so the chicken math continues...
Ok, so I just realized that I'm officially afflicted with chicken math! I said I wouldn't incubate eggs until March, and I have a batch starting tonight!! Started out wanting 6-7 chickens for eggs last year (one coop), and I ended up with 14 in 2 coops (At one point last year before I culled - gave away or sold chicks - I had 29!). I'm currently planning to expand this year to 5 flocks/coops and around 30 chickens or maybe more!! LOL! I don't know how it happened, but I am addicted to chickens!
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Ugh, it got me!

We just hatched one chick. Just one. And of course it has a slightly crossed beak, so of course we cant sell it

And of course, its just a tiny bantam which won't take up much room.

DH just looked at me & said "So what are you going to do with that one?"

I think my face said it all

I turned to him & put it how it was. The chick stays!

They are taking over my garden with there fluffy butts. And its not just chickens. We intended to get 3 garden bantams. We know have:

4 quail (24 in bator),
2 rabbits,
5 standards (including a roo),
2 bantams.
1 cat (to kill the mice of course)
2 Dogs

And I want more

Anybody in the UK with a farm to rent cheap lol


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