Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

Silkie chicken meat has medicinal purposes.
Can my pregnant wife eat one of your silkies?
It was so rude of you ro say no to your cousin...


Merry Christmas!
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Recently over the holidays I hard boiled a dozen eggs. Not knowing that those separated in a plastic carton in the refrigerator had been cooked, my husband proceeded to distribute them between the many egg cartons in our frig. When he learned what he had done, he decided he would test the eggs by putting them into water thinking that the hard boiled would sink. Needless to say, we had a really big skillet of scambled eggs the next day. Maybe not an old wives tale but a real "live and learn" situation.
Happy New Year from Lucinda, PA.
That sounds like a BIG skillet of eggs.

For future reference, you can tell a boiled egg from a raw egg by spinning them on their sides. The boiled eggs will spin fast, like a top; but the raw eggs will wobble and rock and slow down very quickly, since their insides are liquid. That's not a myth. That one works.
That sounds like a BIG skillet of eggs.

For future reference, you can tell a boiled egg from a raw egg by spinning them on their sides. The boiled eggs will spin fast, like a top; but the raw eggs will wobble and rock and slow down very quickly, since their insides are liquid. That's not a myth. That one works.

It's true; did this as a physics experiment once. Here's one that's creepy: OSMOSIS. I'll see if I can find the supplies and procedure, it's really freaky. By the end of it, the egg has no shell and feels like a water balloon.
Very sorry!

I guess I just assumed you were a guy because you were willing to stick your finger up your chicken's butts to check to see if they were laying...

Most women I know aren't willing to do that. All of them, if you don't count me, LOL.

No prob!
I'm a nurse....I've stuck my finger up quite a few butts, sad to say.
Guys are the squeamish ones, you know....I don't know a man one that would put his finger up a chicken's butt...unless it was on some stupid dare!

and alcohol was involved!
just a note: when trying to re-capture an ecaped hen, stamping your foot will make her stop and present! then grab her! I have done this several times to very good success... my 17yo son called once while we were out, telling us that one of the hens got out, I told him to get close and stamp his foot, this worked and he got her back in... you should have seen the look on his face later when i explained why this worked...IE what she expected him to do

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