Chicken owner charged after shooting dog.

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It's a tough call when you only have a partial story. It is unlikely if the chicken owner is justified that we will ever hear about it.

silkie, I understand you wanting to see the dog owner's side also. I'm sure many of us have dogs as well as chickens. I don't know about anyone else but if I was out with my dog and she ran off, harassed someone's livestock and was shot, I would feel the need to apologize to the person who did the shooting. It would be my fault for putting my dog in that position. I would still feel sad at losing her, but I would also have to kick myself in the hiney for causing it.
Well first off as a responsible dog owner who keeps his dogs in a fenced yard. Yea I would have a problem with somebody shooting my dog, on the other hand I had no problem running over a nuisance German Shepard that chased and snapped at children with my truck. I reported a dead dog to the county by payphone to be picked up. Also when the neighbors children were threatened and cornered by a pit bull who broke his chain I responded with my sawed off 12. Lucky for the dog, the owners wife squealing got him to come get his dog. Funny she didn't squeal until she saw me jump my fence with the gun.

I take a child's life as much more important than any dog, and any dog that is dangerous to chickens is dangerous to children if allowed to roam without supervision.
I would think "how dumb of me for failing to protect my dog", the dog owner failed to follow the law and the dog paid the price. I let my chickens free range, sometimes they make it to a neigbors house 1/4 mile away. If they get mauled there, it is my faullt, not my neighbors.
How do you know that he didn't try shouting at it first? The chicken owner's side of the story hasn't been presented. Not all dogs can be run off that easy, especially when they are in a frenzy over trying to get the chickens. It is in no way the chicken owner's fault. The dog should have been on a leash.
I would be thinking that I was an idiot and an irresponsible owner if it had been my dog. I would be very sorry for causing the death of my beloved dog.
there is a leash law the dog should not have been off its lead, period. if the dog was on its lead there whould not be a dead dog and a chicken owner up on charges.
No, it was the dog-owner who distributed the "warning" flyers.

Makes one wonder what he was "warning" his neighbors about....that they're risking their dogs' safety by letting them roam off-leash, or that there's a heartless, cruel, bloodthirsty dog killer over on 43rd street...
I would think "how dumb of me for failing to protect my dog", the dog owner failed to follow the law and the dog paid the price. I let my chickens free range, sometimes they make it to a neighbor's house 1/4 mile away. If they get mauled there, it is my fault, not my neighbors.

Fault is the dog owner for not following the law, didn't it say the chickens were in a run not free range, how do we know the dog wasn't digging or trying to get in, or had been there before, the owner said the dog was out of site.
and they let the dog run with out leashes regularly
I would think "how dumb of me for failing to protect my dog", the dog owner failed to follow the law and the dog paid the price. I let my chickens free range, sometimes they make it to a neighbor's house 1/4 mile away. If they get mauled there, it is my fault, not my neighbors.

Fault is the dog owner for not following the law, didn't it say the chickens were in a run not free range, how do we know the dog wasn't digging or trying to get in, or had been there before, the owner said the dog was out of site.
and they let the dog run with out leashes regularly

I am on the "shooters" side of this. I think you miss read my post.
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