Chickies, Chickies, Chickies!! Meet the new additions! (Pic heavy!)

Rangi's doing fine at this point, but definitely not liking being in a small pen away from her friends. That girl has cabin fever! Olive's fine, too, and much less stir-crazy than Rangi is. They both look like they're going to lose sizable portions of their combs and maybe their wattles as well. Their swelling is down considerably and now it's just reserved to the sections of their wattles that are dusky. They both act fine, though, so I'm hoping all is well.

Here are the two of them just now, having a doze.


Miss Rangi, perched so nicely.


My poor Rangi. :( You can see where her wattles are blackening on the front. I'm hoping the purplish part heals, but I've never had hens with frostbite before, so I don't know. I'm going to put some Neosporin on them to see if that helps the whole process and prevents any infections while she heals up.

Yeah, she acts it anyway. She was being a real goofball today while I was trying to get their 8 month pictures. :rolleyes: She does have a portion of her wattle that is turning black and drying up, so be warned when viewing her pictures that it isn't pretty. Poor girl.

So yes, today marks the 8 month anniversary of the babies hatching, and I have pictures. :) Of course, not everyone was terribly cooperative, so some aren't great (*cough*Huka*cough*), but I did what I could. :D

Uncooperative Huka:


Talkative Ihi:


Sassy Marama:


Big Man Po:


Goofy Rangi:


Starlet Roha:


Shy Whiri:


And Large Marge, who is, of course, closer to 9 months old and coming out of her second time brooding:

And just for fun, a few more. :)

Roha says, "Love me!"


Huka says, "Leave me alone."


And Po... I don't know what he says, but he sure is handsome:


Huka, blending in:


Rangi being silly:


Is this a chicken wink? :lol:


And one last one from Margie:

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Okay, since I'm here, how about a mid-month update?

I mostly wanted to say this: Rangi's wattle fell off!! :th After the frostbite, her right wattle got all shriveled up and dark, and then it fell off. Blech! She looks really silly now, though, because her other wattle is healing fine. So she has 1 1/2 wattles. :lol:

Meanwhile, I think my young ladies have been stressed by the cold. Ihi and Tiwhiri are molting at the moment. I'll have to get out there and take some pictures, because Ihi lost all of her big tail feathers and she looks so silly now! Whiri's just a bit of a pin-head. They all quit laying, too, so all the eggs I'm getting are from three of the older girls that are back into lay.

Marge is the only one of the youngsters that doesn't seem too bothered by the cold. Little Marge, after everything I read about Silkies being cold-sensitive! She's taking it like a champ and not letting anything slow her down!

Mr. Po has been behaving himself quite well lately, too. A few of the big girls are squatting for him now, so his focus has been drawn away from the pullets, at least for now. He likes to crow at about 5 am, and I have a baby monitor in the coop that delivers the sound directly to my room. :barnie Fortunately, I've begun sleeping through it now. :yesss:

I've been resisting chick fever for a long time now, but I think it's starting to hit me now!

110 days 'til chickies!!

110 days until I meet Georgette, Vivienne, Mabel, and Chickory, anyway. :D (Still not 100% on their names, though... Everything must be just right!)

It shouldn't be long before / after that that I meet my Legbars, either. Have I mentioned their names here? I swear, there's a story behind them: Romanadvoratrelundar and Serenadellatrovella. :oops:

Well, anyway, that's all that's been going on here. :) We're supposed to be back to above-freezing temps by the time the babies are 9 months old, so that should make for some nice pictures I hope. :fl Can't wait to see the grass again!

ETA: I misspelled a name! :oops:
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Oh, dear. Poor little half-wattle Rangi... But I must admit, I cracked up at mention of her having 1 1/2 wattles.

I think my rooster, Brewster, is probably gonna lose a few comb tips. They are all shriveled looking and dark blue/black in color, so yeah. But at least his wattles are okay!

I'm glad Po is behaving. Yeah, my roosters adore crowing for hours on end from 5 am till whenever the sun rises all the way.
I can sleep through it, but it wakes me up from time to time, and then I cant sleep at all.

Silkies are actually pretty cold-hardy, from my experience with them. I love just looking at pics of Marge; all three of my silkies are dead. I feel terrible. One went to a hawk that flew into the pen when the cover blew off; one was just dead in the coop one morning; and the last one, my sweet Isabelle, eggbound while I was at work. I feel terrible.

Oh well, I suppose. Cant wait for chickies. And good Lord, where on this earth did you get those Legnar names? How? Why?
I cant even pronounce them!!

Yep, cant wait to see the pictures. I get very excited at the thought of Spring, too. Green grass, fairly warm weather, blue skies, leaves, flowers... and thunderstorms!
Yeah, Rangi's gonna lose some comb tips, too. The frigid weather did not do her any good, poor girl. I'll get a picture of her tomorrow or sometime soon. I've got to get a picture of tailless Ihi, too. :lol:

Sorry to hear about your Silkies. :( It stinks when that happens, but don't blame yourself. :hugs

The Legbars are named from classic Doctor Who. I love DW (hence my Sebrights, Amy and Rose--I had a third named Martha, too) and just got into Classic Who with the 50th anniversary. There was a Time Lady named Romanadvoratrelundar that was the fourth Doctor's companion. Serenadellatrovella was another Time Lady and companion to the second Doctor in a book. :D (And yes, I misspelled it in my first post. Missed a syllable.)

Pronunciations--oh boy! Romanadvoratrelundar is row-man-add-vor-uh-tree-lun-dar. Emphasize as you please, but I tend to emphasize on MAN and LUN. Her nickname will be Romana IV (row-MAN-ah-four).

Serenadellatrovella is easier: sir-ee-nuh-dell-ah-troh-vell-uh, emphasis usually on EE, DELL, and VELL. Her nickname will be Lady Serena (which... y'all can probably figure out :lol: ).

It was like a heat wave today! 30 degrees! :lol: Spring is coming! Chicks in 109 days!! (108 days in about 25 minutes. :D )
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