*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

I just wanted to thank you for the information you have posted. I am waiting impatiently for my first set. I set them on 5-2-10, they are really late. Tonight I candled them against my better judgement, and I am not going to do anything again until they hatch or start stinking. Everything seemed to look good, according to the pics you've posted and others I've seen. I am not going to do anything! Nothing! The temp has been steady at 100 and the books I've read say they don't cool down for about 20min. This is crazy hard though!
Thanks again.
that was egg....selent..thanks for the pics and vids. they are very helpful and educational
Thank you so much for posting progression photos. I will candle eggs for the first time tomorrow and your post was a huge help.
iv got 2 chickens a mixed chicken and a silky and my silky went broody so i got 5 different fital eggs off my mate they have 7 days to go i candled 1 of the and the llight dident come throw so there must be a baby chick in it

Edited to protect the member's privacy. ~Lisa~
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