Child At Heart, Monster By Nature (Chat Thread)

Now you're changing your story. Very suspect indeed.:hmm
I used the wrong word. Here is his form for proof.

Animal Type:Eurasian Lynx
Personality:Confident, resourceful, and smart. He is sympathetical to the weak and scared as he was emotionally weak before. In battle, he is one of the most lethal fighters Ryker has made.
History: Elliot was the son of one of Ryker's best friends. When that friend died, Elliot came over to Ryker's care. The first year with Ryker was traumatic, with Elliot still remembering the death of his parents. However, after the first year, Elliot overcame that and became one of Ryker's most powerful experiments
Animal Strengths:He is extremely quick and agile. He is also muscular and uses quick movements along with powerful kicks, punches, and swipes to injure and kill his opponents. All of his sense are enhanced, and he is very mobile and has graet endurance.
Animal Features: He has retractable claws which can come out of his knuckles

Motivation For Being Bad:Ryker has made Elliot into what he regards to be a superhuman. He is indebted to Ryker for life, and serves him loyally, yet isn't scared to speak up when necessary.
Other: Finishing history
Who's she? Lab? I have Leverett.
She is a lab character I made not too long ago. She is Loyal to Ryker and pretty much only him. She does have some interesting moments but she is for sure loyal.

Here is her form except the photos.
name: Layla
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Animal Type: Snow Leopard
Personality: Driven, determined and loyal to those she deems worthy. Can crack a joke now and again, occasionally sarcastic. Not always the most stable person, can be quick to anger.
History: Grew up in the system going from home to home, but always ending back up in the foster home. She was small growing up and the constant target of bullying and abuse she never stood up for herself. After years of being juggled around and treated like dirt she ran away, feeling that life on the streets would be better then this. She grew hardened to life and people, tired of always being the underdog she decided to never be a victim again, no matter what it took. She actively sought out Ryker, having heard rumors to see what he had to offer. When she found out the truth she willingly signed up for what he wanted to do as it would allow her to change the tables and not be a victim to abuse or bullying ever again. She took to her new changes well and sadly took her dramatic change of her life a bit too far. Instead of just standing up for herself and perhaps others that were like her she became an aggressor. Before long she became the very person she was victim too in the beginning, sometimes being even more cruel. But there is hope that maybe with time she can overcome this new self and the corrupting power she has been given to find a softer side, or not.
Animal Strengths: Night vision, Agile and can jump better then normal, has exceptional balance. Has sharp claws that she can retract(they are not her actual nails, the grow out over top her human nails when she wants, and retracts back into her nailbeds/fingers)
Animal Features: She has vibrant blue cat eyes, her retractable claws, has pronounced, sharper canine teeth, and has faint leopard spots running up her arms, across her shoulders fading into her hairline on her neck and running down her back and fading down her legs.
Appearance:5'6, lean and well muscled but still womanly. Posting pics for general idea.
Motivation For Being Bad: Never wanted to be a victim again after her childhood, in her attempt to do this she took it a step to far becoming more like the people who victimized her.
She is a lab character I made not too long ago. She is Loyal to Ryker and pretty much only him. She does have some interesting moments but she is for sure loyal.

Here is her form except the photos.
name: Layla
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Animal Type: Snow Leopard
Personality: Driven, determined and loyal to those she deems worthy. Can crack a joke now and again, occasionally sarcastic. Not always the most stable person, can be quick to anger.
History: Grew up in the system going from home to home, but always ending back up in the foster home. She was small growing up and the constant target of bullying and abuse she never stood up for herself. After years of being juggled around and treated like dirt she ran away, feeling that life on the streets would be better then this. She grew hardened to life and people, tired of always being the underdog she decided to never be a victim again, no matter what it took. She actively sought out Ryker, having heard rumors to see what he had to offer. When she found out the truth she willingly signed up for what he wanted to do as it would allow her to change the tables and not be a victim to abuse or bullying ever again. She took to her new changes well and sadly took her dramatic change of her life a bit too far. Instead of just standing up for herself and perhaps others that were like her she became an aggressor. Before long she became the very person she was victim too in the beginning, sometimes being even more cruel. But there is hope that maybe with time she can overcome this new self and the corrupting power she has been given to find a softer side, or not.
Animal Strengths: Night vision, Agile and can jump better then normal, has exceptional balance. Has sharp claws that she can retract(they are not her actual nails, the grow out over top her human nails when she wants, and retracts back into her nailbeds/fingers)
Animal Features: She has vibrant blue cat eyes, her retractable claws, has pronounced, sharper canine teeth, and has faint leopard spots running up her arms, across her shoulders fading into her hairline on her neck and running down her back and fading down her legs.
Appearance:5'6, lean and well muscled but still womanly. Posting pics for general idea.
Motivation For Being Bad: Never wanted to be a victim again after her childhood, in her attempt to do this she took it a step to far becoming more like the people who victimized her.
I might make a character for this one.

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