Coffee's ready...

Everybody is more then welcome: Don't forget I live in St.Petersburg.......
You need to post pics when there is no snow. Those pics are very nice, but then they all are when your looking from the inside of the house.

Oesdog, how big is Jesse? I would have no problem having you and yours except our economy is no better than yours I suspect. Who was Earl Grey?

Did the drive and to the coop but may have to do it again before the sun sets. God give me strength.
You need to post pics when there is no snow. Those pics are very nice, but then they all are when your looking from the inside of the house.

Oesdog, how big is Jesse? I would have no problem having you and yours except our economy is no better than yours I suspect. Who was Earl Grey?

Did the drive and to the coop but may have to do it again before the sun sets. God give me strength.

Earl Grey tea is a tea blend with a distinctive flavour and aroma derived from the addition of oil extracted from the rind of the bergamot orange, a fragrant citrus fruit.
Traditionally the term "Earl Grey" was applied only to black tea; however, today the term is used for other teas that contain oil of bergamot, or a flavour.
The Earl Grey blend is named after the 2nd Earl Grey, British Prime Minister in the 1830s and author of the Reform Bill of 1832, who reputedly received a gift, probably a diplomatic perquisite, of tea flavoured with bergamot oil, taken from bergamot, a citrus fruit typical of Southeast Asia and grown commercially in Italy.

Ok - lesson over!!!!!!!!

Jesse is comming 5 months old. She is getting a big girl now. We just packed away her first size clothes and I guess it wont be long before she is into 6-9 month clothes!!!

Morning People,
Quiet morning so far. Temps are already in the 20's. Yesterday was fun, shoveling off Grand Mother In-laws roof. She had about 14 - 16" of snow up there.

Having company over tonight and I plan on cooking a turkey with all the fix ens. We should have plenty of left overs for meals after our hikes. I have to punch a hole out to the wood pile. We have a good weeks worth of wood here, but...... The only birds that don't seem to mind the snow are the Sussex.

Enjoy your day

Good Morning, folks! Did you know that last night Florida was the only state in the nation without snow on the ground? It is pretty cold, though. 34 this morning according to my car thermometer. The chickens didn't come down again, but I threw scratch down to help them warm up when the do. Covered the coop in plastic and sheets again, too.
I'll be right over for the turkey dinner, Kaj. Sounds delicious. Probably more than I should eat with my diet right now, huh?

My White Leghorn finally started laying again this week!! I've got plenty of eggs again - enough to give away or sell soon. Made eggs for dinner last night since it was just my son and I, and I didn't feel like cooking a meal. I love fresh eggs for dinner. Does anyone else not go out for breakfast much anymore because the eggs don't taste as good as the ones I can make at home? I used to love going out for breakfast, but hardly go at all now.

Have a great day, be safe in the snow and ice!
chics in the sun: "Does anyone else not go out for breakfast much anymore because the eggs don't taste as good as the ones I can make at home?" - We have the same problem with the rest of our meals. Our beef and lamb & (venison) are grass feed for the most part. Not to much grass in the winter. We raise our own chicken for meat and egg.

Our chickens are just laying again, on average 2 eggs a day.

chics in the sun: No problem with dinner, don't forget I'm in Ireland.

Time to start the food.

Enjoy the day

Good morning all:

Yeah. A bit chilly eh? I'm making and canning stocks this week, just to keep things warm. This house has hardly any insulation and only baseboard heat. (We're fixing that... beginning of next month the new furnace is going in, right after the solar panels go up and the insulation gets added to the attic and crawlspace.)

I weatherized the window in my bathroom - it made a *huge* difference. For those of you southern folks who aren't familiar with it - you basically shrinkwrap the window, which creates an airspace of insulation. It's really helpful for keeping cold air out and warm air in.

Okay - time to go make sure DS is up and getting ready for school.
good morning chicken wranglers
2 degrees F this morning.No chance for a thaw today.Only gonna reach a high of 15. whole lotta shiveren goin on down here in central il today.
No - your not in Ireland - Looked for ya - under every tree and stone!!!!!!

I don;t go out for Breakfast much and I don;t eat a fry anymore in the morning cause I am trying hard to eat less. I do however usually have egg on toast for lunch which is lovely and far better than the eggs bought out!!!!

Am having a struggle with my DD at the moment and my SIL. I have been minding Jesse at least 2 /3 days a week. Now when you think I am tending Danny's needs the rest of the time and of course Ben needs helping to, the time Dan is in Adult centre is the only time I have for me and DH!!!!!! I thought DD and SIL were in college those days and I thought I was doing a good thing by helping them with child care costs etc. DD let it slip tonight that SIL is home all day Fridays and sleeps in cause bless him hes tired!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I have to get up in the nights to tend Danny and all the time this oaf has been tending the inside of his eyelids instead of his own daughter????? So its all been and bit deceptive really and I am not happy at all. Tomorrow while he is resting bless his little cotton socks!!!! I have Jesse on one of my precious days that I could be out walking with the Dogs and DH or even examining the inside of my own eyelids!!! Am I right to feel hurt and lied to!!!!!! AND USED. DH says I have mug written all over me!!!

I am just having a bit of a rant -


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