Coffee's ready...

Karl: you ever notice the colder it is, the quicker the chores get done?

osedog: "No - your not in Ireland - Looked for ya - under every tree and stone!!!!!!" - The best way to find me is by smell...........
"Am I right to feel hurt and lied to!!!!!!" - yep "AND USED. DH says I have mug written all over me!!!" - what does "mug" mean?

math ace: there's a button??????
Good morning!
Oesdog, I'd take that baby right back to their house on Friday, tell him you've just got to get some sleep - the nerve!! I can't beleive the deliberately lied!! You really do need to cut down on the hours you watch Jessica now - it's your time to relax and get some "me" time. They choose to have a baby, not you! Stay strong!!
I don't have a full button, either. And I always seem to be hungry.

Kaj, you seem to be all over the place! How tiring.
Karl (and many of the others on here), I truly cannot fathom it being 2 degrees outside. That is beyond my realm of reality.
Hope you got some rest, Rancher.
I got my first Olive Egg from Sam yesterday!!
Sam, I am Sam, do you like green eggs and ham?


So I've got everyone laying except the three babies now! Plenty of eggs for everyone.
Hi folks, I'm up. Still tired. Wish someone would buy some chicks. They're getting big. Cold, cold , cold, good thing the runs are covered. Chickens don't seem to mind. Greased up the big roosters combs yesterday. Got one with a bloody front but don't know why and he's the one with all the girls. 7 roos by themselves and they seem to do ok.

Lord have mercy they are eating up a storm. Going through alot of layer these days..

Got the two broodies and that means more chicks. I may relinquish/relegate? the incu to the closet from now on. Unless I need something special.

Take care

Good morning chuicken w4ranglers
Q cus not around my house ,have to hallwater all winter in a tank out to the pasture. Only 400 gallons and it lasts 3 days. I keep a hose and the pump in it with the heater plugged in so nothing freezes and it has worked well so far but it is a good inncentive for trenching a line and installing a hydrant next summer. My coop did not ever get fininshed and now the young, first time layers, are laying in the snow! whatta ya know about that!I always heard that they won't lay in snow but it is not proved to be true.
God Bless! Good week end to ya! Hey oesdsog I whatched an old disney movie about leprechans and I thought of you dinna know why lass.
I am not Irish - so not sure why your watching old Leprechan movies and thinking of me?????
I am an OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG. - WATCH THE MOVIE CATS AND DOGS!!!!!! my staring role!!!
I am not Irish - so not sure why your watching old Leprechan movies and thinking of me?????
I am an OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG. - WATCH THE MOVIE CATS AND DOGS!!!!!! my staring role!!!

Well you are in Ireland aren't you? and don't the little ones dwell all about ye and aren't they at the end of the rainbow? Just because you Are English does not mean you can't be influenced be their magic!
Morning People,
I woke up to a whopping -2 this morning and very still.

Karl: What kind of cattle/live stock do you have?

chicks in the sun: "Kaj, you seem to be all over the place! How tiring." - I'm a Gemini (was). You see that article about the zodiac charts? Good for Miss Sam and her new found purpose in life.

Now to bore you all. We went for a hump yesterday up Thomas Cole Mtn. 3980', we started at about 1800'. Here some pictures the better half took of what we found. We left Mr. Vinny and it was 16 outside. It was a good hump, 4 hours up and 2 hours down. We had to break trail the whole time to the top.


Almost to the top, the summit is in the background. This is about 3300'.


The trail went up between the rocks


Heading back to Mr Vinny, dry clothes and hot food. 2nd camel hump.

Enjoy your day.


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