Coffee's ready...

Good morning folks

Slept in this morning a bit, then woke up suddenly and remembered I needed to let the chickens out of their new coop. (The tunnel to the run isn't in yet.) Got out there and Buffy was acting all imprisoned. They're out now. The guy is putting in the ventilation for the new coop even as we speak, two on each side. Then the tunnel, so they can get out to the run themselves.

Today is foggy. Wow, very foggy. Kinda pretty. Later today, I'm canning marmalade. The neighbor's orange tree was quite abundant, and the parts that overhang our yard, we get to pick. So we'll see how it turns out. I'm using agave instead of sugar, for DH's diabetes. Okay enough blathering.

chics - I hope your Maran lays an egg so you can relax. rancher - hope you got some sleep and are rested up. tartanik - nice to meet you. oesdog - good luck on choosing hens; just don't take all 30!

Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning!
Sounds like you've got a nice new set up, Annaraven. One of these days when I have the money and time I will re-do my ghetto coop. I didn't expect to love chickens quite so much, so I started off as cheap as I could (which was all I could afford anyway), and kept adding on. The chickens don't seem to mind, at least.

Work is really quiet right now, as it is exam week. I can't call kids to my office to check on them, and they are only here till noon. I'll try and get caught up on some trainings I need to do, and get ready for a group I'll be doing next semester. I get bored so easily when it's too quiet....

No egg from the Marans yet. I checked her over more closely, and don't see any mites or lice. She may just be molting, according to a few folks on the Marans thread. I hope so. I miss her great big dark brown eggs. At least she waited until everyone else was laying to take a break

Time to get started on my on-line training.
Ever feel like you're becoming a chicken? Seems like all I ever do is Eat, Sleep, Poo, rearrange my nest and play with birds.

Good MORNING world. Time to go get the girls outta bed.
Good morning chicken wranglers
All is quiet on the western front.My chickens are laying really well for a cold season, how are all of you guys, girls producing. Oesdog do you get blarney stones in your nest boxes? LOL!OK maybe it wasn't funny!Wow there are 2 bald eagles flying right over the field across the street hpe they aren't hungry for chicken!
Rose nice to hear from a new wrangler on this thread! well God Bless!
I'm kinda freaking out today. They're working on my roof. Removing the roof tiles and putting down composite, in preparation for the solar panels going in next week. Well, it *sounds* like they're just tearing everything off and tossing it in a dumptruck. They're *supposed* to be saving the good tiles for use around the panels... I'm scared to even think about what they're doing up there.

I want to get outta here. Just not sure where to go or how long to go or what I'd do when i got there.

Maybe I'll go find a coffee shop.

Poor chickens are cooped up in their new coop and the enclosed run for the day - no freeranging when people are working in th backyard. I have mad hens.

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