Coffee's ready...

Ahhhhhhhh Gargoyle you are really soft!!!!!! When it comes to your hens!
Mine are doing amight better these days. I was very upset that I lost the 3 girls over the winter. I really was sad about loosing the Sussex she was aparticularly good hen.

It would seem that it was indeed the cold bitter wind that did the damage here. Since then we have totally transformed the place again! DH replaced the coop. Well if there was something going on we needed to get rid of the old one for sure. Though it is getting hosed down disinfected and we already have someone wanting it. ( I will see what happens with the health of their birds in it though they are aware we lost 3. ) We changed the coop once before when we lost Eleanor as somehow she managed to have an accident and break her neck. Then Bertha fell and hurt her foot. She is the Sussex I just lost. So weve changed again now - the coop is quite small - we deliberately did that so they are more scrunched up and get more body heat from eachother rather than being spreed out in a larger pad! At first they were not a bit happy. But they have started laying again so we are pleased. They also have a small run now it is about 6 foot by 5 foot. This is attached to the smaller coop which they also were not happy about until they realised thiis opens up and they can get out into their own "garden"! to free range and they don;t now come onto our land at all. No more chicken poo on the lawn and they can get out all year rather than being stuck in the run because we have veg growing we don;t want them to eat. So it is working out ok.

Dan is going away today to rest - bite care so I am hoping DH and I can get a bit more done here. Our Wedding anniversary is tommorow - can;t believe its near 30 yrs already! OMG - I'm getting old! Oh well good job love is blind!

That is such good news Grandaddy!!!!!! - lol -

Our little darling is fast growing up - This is her at easter with Dh making a mess - I mean a cake!

Rabbit cake !
The rug rat is getting sooo big - welcome to the grandparent club Gargoyle! So can;t wait to see pics of your grand baby!
Congrats to all with births, and anniversaries and new coops and runs. My coop is now gone at last. all in the timing. Today spoke with Realtor and started the process of selling the house and lot.
finally. Kentucky here we come. Have the money I got from the coop set aside to build my new coop down there. Love the pics, it is nice to see who we've been talking about.
Good morning chicken wranglers
Rngr, A big move to Kentucky.I almost envy you. The down home state.I hope it works well for you.My my my oesdog your yungun sure is purty.I hope the husband is feeling as well *** he looks in the pictures , Gargoyle you must be a proud grandparent I've got no grandchildren as young as that and I'm just a little re leaved to be honest.
My chicks are doing well int he new brooder.I went from the horse trough to the 4x7 chicken wire open air "kinda" brooder and they are stretching their legs clean off.
My cows are seeming to acclimate themselves to the new routine.I'm hoping the new cows can be picked up soon{"tonight" if possible.
God Bless!
Good morning chicken wranglers
Rngr, A big move to Kentucky.I almost envy you. The down home state.I hope it works well for you.My my my oesdog your yungun sure is purty.I hope the husband is feeling as well *** he looks in the pictures , Gargoyle you must be a proud grandparent I've got no grandchildren as young as that and I'm just a little re leaved to be honest.
My chicks are doing well int he new brooder.I went from the horse trough to the 4x7 chicken wire open air "kinda" brooder and they are stretching their legs clean off.
My cows are seeming to acclimate themselves to the new routine.I'm hoping the new cows can be picked up soon{"tonight" if possible.
God Bless!

Hubby is doing ok Karl though he has a lot of pain he is trying to pace himself. We had a great Easter as our daughter invited us over and did all the cooking. Dh only had to "help" with the cake and mostly sitting so that was fine. Thanks for asking. Weve had a great day so far and are going out for a meal tonight.

Gargoyle the baby is perfect!

Good morning chicken wranglers
Oes it is good he is fine. How was the meal? I took Deb to her 2nd favorite place Sunday after church, "The Olive garden". Then we went home and cleared brush from the fence line for new pasture. She is a good worker. My Son was on the tractor which is a switch, Usually he does not wish to drive it . We got one fence row cleared and have only 800 feet more to do ,then wire and barbed wire to string. Chicks are getting big and I must get some feed for them tonight. I hope to keep track of the whole amount as to figure feed to growth ratio before I butcher.
God Bless!
Good morning chicken wranglers
Oes it is good he is fine. How was the meal? I took Deb to her 2nd favorite place Sunday after church, "The Olive garden". Then we went home and cleared brush from the fence line for new pasture. She is a good worker. My Son was on the tractor which is a switch, Usually he does not wish to drive it . We got one fence row cleared and have only 800 feet more to do ,then wire and barbed wire to string. Chicks are getting big and I must get some feed for them tonight. I hope to keep track of the whole amount as to figure feed to growth ratio before I butcher.
God Bless!

Hubby just said tell Karl hi and thanks for asking about him. We have had to do some re biulding of stuff here since the bad winds but are getting there like yourselves. I wish I had some chicks! I only have 4 eggs in the bator and one has a crack in it! I think it is dead for sure. I will candle later and see if there is any life. If there is something in there I will try to fill the gap with wax and see if it helps? - Typical one scrambled egg one stuck to the packaging and one cracked - all of them the wrong colour as DOrkings are supposed to be white and these are still BLUE!!!!!!! No matter which way up I turn them! Darn!

Karl, Sissy here
nice to see your still with the chicken wranglers having
coffee.and oesdog great to hear Dh doing so well.
its been quite a while since Iv been here at the coffee cafe,
and so much has changed...many more new coffee lovers Welcome.

Lost my DH In Jan.
s-inlaw built me a new larger coop still have my silkie Peaches
she is still full of spunk..with her flock,

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