Coffee's ready...

Sissy darling you are sooooooooooooo much missed and thought of.
So sad and sorry to hear of your loss we WE ARE ALL HERE FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good morning chicken wranglers'
Ever so sorry about your husband Sissy ! We will all keep you in our prayers as time goes on. We have all had our absenteeism's from the clutch but we wander home as often as possible to share our fortunes and misfortunes as they are.
Have the dogwoods blossomed in east Tennessee yet? All of spring is running behind up here and we are to have snow showers tomorrow after 70's today. We all got 3 inches of rain last night and it is still pouring today.I've had no luck with tilling at all in the last 3 years.By the time it gets dry enough to till it is late June it seems and the it goes dry and nothing thrives! this year I'll try for hay hopefully I'll get enough to last the cows through the winter.
Oes rngr garghoyle Q now again Siss.
God Bless!
karl.Oes rngr,Garg, now who am I missing?
its wonderful to see the coffee cafe
is still going. I sure did miss you all
every thing blooming here,dogwoods etc..and boaters are slowly
getting out of dry dock.
we too have had our share of rain.more so then ever,
I did get a new coop built. with a fenced running yard s- in law
took care of that.
as the 4 smaller dogs and 1 big dog and 2 cats arent too friendly LoL
Thank you for the prayers. its been a difficult past 3 years.
One of our girls is being amazing- eggs for 25 days straight. I started a thread about it:

Just returned from a several day trip to Oregon to see my (much older) brother. Advanced Alzheimers, very sad situation. He was a professor, private pilot, author, lecturer, and athlete, so he always took care of his body and constantly exercised and stimulated his mind. When he was diagnosed his response was "take my legs, take my arms, but not my mind". To lose his mind this way is quite a devastating thing and it has such a disconnect from the rest of his life. At least he still recognized me, knew I was there, and appreciated it.

Coming back we ran into the rainstorm that ran from Texas to Illinois, resulted in some canceled flights and delays (got back home maybe 20 hours late), but I'm used to that and know how to deal with it.
Good morning chicken wranglers
Everyone here is getting ready for flooding. building dams and what not. We had to haul road barriers to the paper mill so that they could build a make shift dam top keep out the Il. river . I live on the high ground so personally I do not have to worry.
Hope you all stay HIGH AND DRY .
Good morning chicken wranglers
Everyone here is getting ready for flooding. building dams and what not. We had to haul road barriers to the paper mill so that they could build a make shift dam top keep out the Il. river . I live on the high ground so personally I do not have to worry.
Hope you all stay HIGH AND DRY .

We have a creek on the property, and had a big fight with the mortgage company (GMAC)a few years ago- they suddenly declared our house was in the flood plain and we had to buy flood insurance, which they then forced through from an insurance company which they owned. Took 9 or 10 months to get the ruling overturned, but we couldn't get back the money they took.

Fast forward to last week, loads of flooding in our area- our creek did not break over the bank on the side towards our house, which means it didn't come within 10 or 12 vertical feet of our house. (the bank on the other side just leads to fen, so it is natural to flood in there, not a problem at all).

Our creek empties into the Fox, which empties into the Illinois, so I guess your area will get the flooding that I didn't get.
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Good morning chicken wranglers
Gargoyle you are correct ,We get all of up-states run off. I know you are expecting snow for this evening as are we. Some crazy spring huh?
Yesterday was 72 and today the high is now and steadily dropping temps are expected through the day.
Along with an inch of rain and snow. It will all straighten out in time for drought! All of Peoria and all of Spring lake levee district has prepared with sand bag dikes. We will see how it goes.
God Bless!
Good Morning friends!
Well Paradise Found survived the flooding. For a while, we had the creek jump it's banks and head out over land.
There had been a beaver dam partially blocking it that we hadn't gotten to. the creek was fast flowing, 100 to 150' wide and likely 4 to 6' deep. I didn't get close as we were still under flash flood warnings. This flowed for 3 days. Then, as I was watching it, the flow suddenly stopped. The water was still and retreating somehow, I don't know if it was being absorbed or flowing so slowly I couldn't see. Within 1/2 hour, all was gone. A few days later, i put on my mud boots and went out to check the creek east and south of the swale.
There were black dirt sand bars coming onto my property from the forest preserve South of my property. the trees are devastated, but I could only see that when I got close and looked directly into the woods. The ground is black, torn and scoured, no understory vegetation at all. On Paradise Found however, my plantings of deep rooted, tall flexible grasses held every bit of dirt inside my swale I dug with a D-9 myself.
I went to walk the creek and found it high but cleared of most obstructions. After further review, since the creek waters have gone back to normal high range, I see I still have some work to do but at least the creek can flow again.
Paradise Found

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