Coffee's ready...

Good morning chicken wranglers,
Owls, coons and feral cats. Cold weather is upon us all, minus 2 degrees here and we are looking for 4 to 6 inches of the sweet stuff before the weekend ois over.
God Bless! Stat safe and warm!
Snow cover for a long time - everything is hungry. Think I'll have breakfast. Next week it is going to be above freezing several days.
I'm not sure how much more I can take. Just too much snow and cold.

I've hatched a few chicks and have folks on the line for eggs. I'm trying to shake this funk but it's hard.

DW is not feeling well and we haven't been to church in far too long.

I really need some son/sun shine.

I kinda think lots of folks are in a funk too. Not many even out to the stores.

But as usual all of the sudden the sun will come out and buds will be opening and spring will be here.

That's how I know spring is just around the corner. I'm fed up with snow.

Coffee/Tea and biscuits,

Reminds me of the Bee Gees[' song with the lyrics "How can you stop the rain from falling down?
How can you stop the sun from shining?"
When I have roosters to butcher and need to catch them on the roost before dawn and don't want to do it, I sing the second line. When we've had enough water, I sing the first.

Until we screw the planet up enough, spring will come, the sun will come up and for most places on earth, there will be precipitation eventually.
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Hang on, Rancher, we will make it. For me spring has come for 73 years.
I have faith it will come again.

Oh I know it will come. I taught Sunday school for 17 years and I remember the message.

Gen 8:22

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

I just get so tired of this cold and snow. Notice it doesn't say how long each will last.
Around here Summer is far to short. Just about the time I get all the seeds in, it's time to harvest. I need a longer seeding time at my age.

I've been dragging myself out to collect eggs to hatch or sell for hatching. The chickens must think I'm crazy as I stand over them while they're in the nest box.

The saying goes, A watched pot never boils and a watched hen never lays.
This is the look I get these days.


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