Coffee's ready...

Hello! I just got up-- it's been raining all night and its dreary----again! I need to let the birds out, but they won't go because of the rain! Neither will the dogs.
It's raining AGAIN here. We had like 10 nice days here this summer. Supposed to rain all weekend, too.
Yeah, it's cloudy and dreary but I can't remember the last summer the grass stayed green all summer long and didn't go dry with drought. I've really enjoyed that. My daughter who mows the lawn has not.
Good morning!

OMG .. what a week. We FINALLY closed on our construction loan yesterday .. so the house will start going up very soon.

.....and .... I ordered my first eggs!! eeeeeeeek!

Ya'll are the first to know.

I don't know how public I'll be with this, in case I totally screw up and they don't hatch .. lol.
Good morning everyone.

Well not so good, torrential downpours here today, and very cool.
Only around 50 degrees, break out the sweatshirts today. We are supposed to have an outdoor party tomorrow, lets hope it lets up by tomorrow morning or we will all have to cram into my house.

Time to have another cup of coffee.

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