Coffee's ready...

On my second cup.... it's a nice crisp sunny morning. Had the apple crisp from yesterday with it.

Opa.. love your mantra... I hope I am half as active as you when I'm older.

I may be getting a new puppy today.. a Norwich terrier... wish me luck.. I hope Im up for potty training

Also planning on canning some pear honey and pear butter now that I know how to configure for my new higher altitude.....

Have a good day everyone!

Not me! I'm working at the park today, so I need to go shower. Yesterday was a busy day: I mowed the back field, moved birds around, and cleaned out a shed.

Needing my second cup.
Morning chicken wranglers,
I am in the shop working on my project. I had lots of company over the week end. I got up and left them all in their campers and tents.
I hope that they will all clean up after themselves so the pasture does not look like the aftermath of woodstock. In this case barnyardstock. I told all my nephews that they had to through all toads and frogs that they caught to the chickens. It went well they got about a dozen assorted frogs and 6 baby mice over the weekend.
morning all , on second cup already but still not moving very fast. Thunder . lightening and rain already this morning. looks like house cleaning today , YUCK , I would rather be outside.

Morning all! It's a cool morning here, but promises to be a wonderful early fall day. I love this weather!!
I fed the birds, let them out of their coop, they're now roaming the grounds and pastures and playing their usual games while the Roosters are crowing. Now I just have to figure out how to get the 2 100-pound sacks out of my car truck into the barn without breaking my back.
Good morning from cloudy Pennsylvania. I was about to pour my second cup of coffee and found this thread.

Today's going to be a slow day. Very soon, I'll feed the animals before it rains, then slug around the house doing some long overdue chores.

Have a great day.
I will try to post a pic of myself for the previous responce and rebuttle about my good looks to all that were involved that day.

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