Coffee's ready...

Hi there! I brought a great big cup with me, but it's got decaffeinated chai in it. If I drink the coffee--which I LOVE--I'll be random dialing people to chat about what I think is wrong with the world about two in the morning.

Still no chickens at my house, but I'm faithfully visiting BYC and scaring myself silly about parasites and predators. We went to see old friends last night and, although I hate to admit it, I was as excited to see how they set up their backyard garden and to talk about the chickens they want to get as I was to see them again...and I REALLY like these people!

Just wanted to tell you all how much I like reading everybody's posts. Guess I'm your fan club! Have a drama-free day.
Good morning everyone , it's a little chilly this morning here on the west coast too. On my first cup along with a brown sugar poptart.

New puppy is keeping me and my older dogs on our toes... she already stole my socks this morning .

Just smile and keep cleaning the shotgun when he gets there!

Thanks are you sure you didnt go to congeniality training?
OK,KL, what are the red things sticking out of your head? Horn's? You do have a Sam look going on. You are a nice handsome man. Thank you for posting the pic. I still want to know what the heck are the red thingys?
Shopping helps, going out for breakfast, thanking God for all the free things he gives us. That takes away the grumpy for me.

Hope something works for you! I'm sending a big hug.

Yup! I would just smile and keep cleaning the shot gun.
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sure do
it's my cure all....... I go have a romp with my husband.
fixes the grumps, headaches, stress, and anything else that ails ya.

You will all need to find someone else to do it with ... lol

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